I selected several (15 or so) entries in the NZBIndex tab after doing a global search. I waited awhile, I waited some more and after 5 min when the "search/Abort" button still hadn't gone back to 'search' I pressed 'abort'. An error dialog popped up saying "error -5". The NZBIndex page is still sort of active (I can sort it on different columns, but I can't cancel the load). The other tabs do not seem to be affected and I found no relevant messages in the log tab. I issued another global search and the NZBIndex tab didn't update - not that I expected it to given it's 'hung nature' (but the other tabs did update).
09.11.03 - update
Exiting and restarting AltBinz does NOT clear the problem. It only clears the search results, the Abort button stays up and I still get an "Error -5" if I press it. I'll try a machine reboot when I get a decent pause in all my other download traffic.