At certain times decoding never finishes. I've had this with several versions and currently with 0.36.2.
A screenshot will make things clearer: happens is it starts decoding and at a random point decoding halts and continues with the next file.
At the very same time an entry is added in the log file: [16-3-2011 23:07:36] [Dec] Exception Access violation at address 00597002 in module 'altbinz.exe'. Write of address 00000000
It's the same entry every time decoding halts. It's never at the same point, it also never seems to finish and sometimes decoding doesnt even start (it just says Decoding without a percentage as can be seen on the screenshot).
The files that are complete (green) do get created, the incomplete files don't.
Besides that, every file that is being decoded gets created with an added .1 at the end of the filename, before the extension. But when decoding halts, the file is deleted again.
This goes on forever!
My OS is Win7 x64 with Alt.Binz 0.36.2
I have no idea how to reproduce it, it seems random.