Dunno if this is the problem, but I disabled RSSTimer in the config file and it stops crashing. I got my first crash with 0.35/0.35.1 today so this was my first suspect.
I can confirm that as soon as I press the Timer button on the RSS tab and it refeshes, the program crashes. Is it related to the issue some seem to have or replicate the solution? The problematic feed was from a combined Binsearch and Yahoo Pipes
PS.: This only occurs in one of my favorite feeds. The others run fine so I just switched.
PS2.: There isn't any log at all if I start with rss timer pushed.
[07/02/2011 11:59:35] [Main] Alt.Binz 0.35.1 [05.02.2011] closed.
<I just put it here to show that my 10 or so attempts to start the program were not logged. Normal startup bellow>
[07/02/2011 19:41:15] [Main] Alt.Binz 0.35.1 [05.02.2011] started.
[07/02/2011 19:41:15] [Main] Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2
[07/02/2011 19:41:15] [Main] 0 items loaded into download history list in 0ms.
[07/02/2011 19:41:15] [Main] 0 outdated items removed from download history list in 0ms.
[07/02/2011 19:41:29] [Main] Download queue list ageing done in 0ms