Author Topic: [36.1] starts maximized when shortcut set to minimize on startup  (Read 2326 times)

Offline Orange Reaper

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Happens ever time windows boots.

Shortcut in Startup folder has "run minimized" selected. During startup AltBinz window is visible and never minimizes. Visible means window but no content (blank container). Need to click on taskbar icon to make the visualisation normal and then can minimise manually and then AltBinz behaves as one would expect.

If I close AltBinz and run the shortcut manually (rather than automatically as part of startup sequence) then blank window appears per the above for a few seconds and then AltBinz will minimize as expected (ie the problem ONLY happens at windows boot).

Running Windows 7 Home Edition - 64 Bit

Offline Rdl

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Re: [36.1] starts maximized when shortcut set to minimize on startup
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 07:27:57 pm »
I'm unable to reproduce this.
Have you tried starting altbinz as normal window but with "-minimize" or "-tray" switch?