Author Topic: '502' many times a day last few versions (provider = UNS via SSL).  (Read 4449 times)

Offline n1vision

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I am getting disconnected with a '502' (too many connections) many times a day using a SSL connection to UNS.
This has been going on a while but I have been too busy lately to post about it.
It even happens when I am already connected, suddenly saying 'too many connections'.

I just upgraded to AltBinz 0.39.15 after seeing the change history hoping it would help, but the problem persists.

Could any of my files be corrupted and, if so, could that have been causing it?
I don't really want to reconfigure everything, so if I can just delete specific files and let them get regenerated to see if that helps, let me know.

Closing AltBinz, then waiting a minute or two and finally restarting AltBinz does the trick temporarily (I get connected to all 20 connections right away).
Within a short timeframe (usually only a matter of minutes, e.g. 10 minutes or so) the '502' errors occur all over again!

I am on Windows 8.1 (happened with Windows 8 as well).
AltBinz (problem occurs with last three versions or so).
Provider = UNS via SSL