Author Topic: Alt.Binz can't start/revive a connection in some cases, just shows "Connecting".  (Read 4008 times)

Offline Bloopie

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I've noticed lately that there are some cases in which Alt.Binz gets stuck on "Connecting", and I must manually disconnect and connect again for it to work.
It seems to happen when I get disconnected from the internet. Instead of properly trying to reconnect every 30 seconds and finally re-starting, it just stays stuck forever on "Connecting".
It also happens quite often for no reason, when some connections just stay stuck on "Connecting" while others are downloading fine. This often means I'm downloading a lot slower using less connections, and I have to manually reconnect for it to use all of connections properly again.


Offline RosieWolf

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I'm having the same problem.. have u found a fix?  i didn't have any problems, i was downloading at blazing speeds, until a dispute with my isp but my service off for 14 days.  now, i get the connecting problems, less than half the speed i used to get, and i cant find what the connection page settings are supposed to be now.  i've adjusted the xpat numbers, etc, and usually just make it worse instead of better.

can someone give me the correct settings for the Connection page? thank you so much.

Hugggggglez, TY, & God Bless. :)

Offline fideliovienna

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I'm having the same issues, i start downloading with 10 Connections and full speed, after a period of time some connections break down, while the others are still running at full speed.
Retrieving connections even with 90sec wait time is not possible, always showing Server response that maximum connections (10) are reached.