Author Topic: Binsearch Results problem  (Read 3189 times)

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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Binsearch Results problem
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:33:25 am »
Bug report from user "keiner": (

1. The maximum number of results pre page on the binsearch website changed (new one is 250). If you set alt.binz to 500 or 1000 results per page, result are displayed wrong or not at all.

2. If you set Alt.binz to 250 100 50 or 25 resulte per page, brosing through the different result pages is not correct. You only get a maximum of 250 result divided on all pages (250 result -> 1 page, 1000 -> 3 pages, 25 -> 10 pages). There are much more results on the website if there are more than 250 results.