using Alt.binz 0.39.4... sometimes, when a file set is damaged and needs repair, Alt.binz will try to repair it but fail, according to the status on the PAR2 tab. If I expand the item on the PAR2 tab, there might be one or two files missing a couple of blocks each.
I know that Alt.binz is supposed to automatically determine which of the PAR2 files from the NZB are needed for a repair, unpause and download them, and repair the files, but it doesn't seem to do this consistently. I look back on the Download Queue tab and expand the NZB listing for the item, and ALL of the PAR2 files are still paused. If I manually UNpause them, they download... then Alt.binz will suddenly FINISH repairing the files and unrar them. But why is it not doing this on its own?
Mind you, this doesn't seem to happen all the time, and I don't have any files that are currently "stuck" like this (since I did the manual unpausing of PAR2s mentioned above) so I don't have anything to test with at the moment.