Author Topic: Download amount Wrong  (Read 3687 times)


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Download amount Wrong
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:09:34 pm »
I posted this in the help section but now I know its a bug. I have 2 different unsnet servers I can use. I have 2 programs. I downloaded a 48mb file with newsleacher and it showed 40mb was downloaded in the download window and the file checked out at 40mb. My usenet service (usenetmonster) showed 9.98gb down to 9.95gb or 30mb was downloaded. I then tried alt.binz and downloaded a 20mb file. The file checked at 20mb and the download window reported 20mb but the news server reported 9.95 to 9.89 or 60mb 2x bigger than the actual download. Last night I downloaded 2gb and my account was locked out with 20GB of downloads. So clearly alt.binz is the problem.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 07:26:00 pm »
Well, it's hard to know what's going on here, since you're the only user who has ever reported this issue, and 0.25.0 has been out for a long time now.  While you wait for Rdl to address it, for your own peace of mind you might want to do a couple more tests: dl the same small file not different ones with each client, and perhaps try with one connection only to the server (maybe it's not logging traffic on each thread properly).

Offline Gompy

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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 07:49:09 pm »
I was busy to write an answer in the other topic at "Help" ,but it's beeing moved to here, but no problem.

I wonder how you made the setup for Altbinz, especially the "Default NZB folder", " Autoimport nzb files from folder" , "Import as paused ->nzb files<- and "Unrar overwrite existing files" .

It looks to me that you created a loop.

Default nzb folder and autoimport folder are the same, didn't pause the nzbfile from what you are downloaded , the nzb file were imported to the autoimport folder, files you have downloaded are being overwritten and the loop is going to start etc etc.
Plse let us know.

Regards, Gompy
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 07:50:55 pm by Gompy »

Offline dacaid

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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2008, 10:38:29 am »
Because i don't have any DL/UL limit, i didn't think about that issue.
Just to be sure, i wanted to check.
I'm a 0.27.0 user with usenet account.
I DLed files (100Mo) and DUmeter showed me that bandwitch used was 105Mo, wich is ok for me (+5%).
Idling DUmeter reports a DL of 0.5Mo every 10 min, so i consider the full 105 Mo used by altbinz.

I suggest you klydebeaty to DL that prog (30days free) to check wich way is used your bandwitch.
I mean... in 10 min, you cant download 10x more with a proggy than with another... you must be using all your bandwitch available on usenet, whatever the proggy used.

link to DUmeter
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 10:40:34 am by dacaid »


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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 07:16:40 pm »
I appreciate the replys. Last night it was raining and storming and the internet was up/down. I have contacted my newserver and they have given me some GB to play with. Today I will run some tests. They also want to know what the problem is. Thanks for the link I d/l that program also. I set up the program using the beginners instructions in the sticky.

thank you both


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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2008, 08:30:03 am »
Tonight I ran some tests. I downloaded a new copy of newsleacher and and alt.binz, I installed them on another computer. I started with newsleacher 1 connection. The following is a notes of my downloads.
the 9.63GB is what the new server was reporting when I started. It looks like using multiple connections depletes your bucket faster than 1 connection. I have a bucket account so this is a major disappointment.

Have any of you done such a test?

Using newsleacher
start 9.73gb
d/l 50mb 1 connection
9.68gb = 50mb

d/l 50mb 10 connections
9.52g = 160mb

Using Alt.binz
start 9.49gb
d/l 100mb with 1 connection
9.39gb = 100mb

d/l 53mb with 10 connections
9.30gb = 90mb

Offline dacaid

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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2008, 12:11:13 pm »

my test above was done with 8 connections

Offline Hecks

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Re: Download amount Wrong
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2008, 01:11:27 pm »
I think it's almost certainly a problem with your server incorrectly logging your downloads against your number of connections.  Again, I think it would be more helpful to perform the same tests with each client - i.e. download the same file - and to monitor your bandwidth separately.  As dacaid pointed out, you won't be able to exceed your maximum dl speed, so you should also make note of the time taken for each download at maximum speed - if it's taking the same time to download the file with 1 vs 10 threads, but the server is reporting double the download amount, then your server is clearly the problem.  Then forward the information to your news provider to see if they can check against their usage logs.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 01:16:27 pm by Hecks »