Author Topic: Error messages starting and exiting the program!  (Read 3318 times)


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Error messages starting and exiting the program!
« on: July 10, 2007, 01:12:48 am »
After installing latest version (0.24.2), several error messages popped up.
When starting the program for the first time everything looked ok, but upon exiting an access violation at address so and so popped up.
The program could still be shut down.

And when starting the program for the second and third time an error message about unrar.dll occured, each time followed by the access violation error when exiting.

I think the program is still clearly unstable.

For now it is not something I will use, but keep up the good work.
Easy to use AIO programs are rare and this looks promising.


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Re: Error messages starting and exiting the program!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 02:36:09 am »
Quote from: "Tantrum"

I think the program is still clearly unstable.

Not really, otherwise the forum would be full of similar reports (you get how that works?).  Just try installing again in a different folder, and if you're on Vista make sure you have the right permissions for it.
