Author Topic: Exception Access violation  (Read 3937 times)

Offline MrScotty

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Exception Access violation
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:02:41 pm »
This was in the help section but i think Bugs is a better place

Version 0.31.6 (and before 31.5 for sure maybe als 31.4 ore earlier)
It now and then happens but i don't know how to reproduce this.

The log shows lines like
[4-6-2010 16:25:29] [Dec] Exception Access violation at address 00562CC6 in module 'altbinz.exe'. Write of address 00000000

The memory usage is going up until it is al used a 'Out of memory' message is shown.

Alt.binz keeps functioning but keeps busy decoding the same file(s) over and over.
Other files which are downloaded are decoded correctly.

Stopping alt.binz and restarting shows it is trying to decode a file over and over.

I think
- the problem is in decoding a file.
- It hits something strange state and a variable isn't set (value set to null or not set at all?) and is used causing an exception
- Exception is handled but some memory isn't released causing memory leak

I still have the temp directory holding the files (50 Mb)
If you can use them i can try to send them.
I'm not sure in which language the app is written, was it phyton? I have a lot of programming skils in C,C++,C#, Java and more (phyton should be new but has strong connection with C++?).
Maybe i can help you a little out with testing/debugging (i have only a limmited amount of time for it)

Hope this helps to improve a great program.