Author Topic: Freezing when downloading directly to NAS and unraring directly from NAS  (Read 4623 times)

Offline Baird GoW

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Altbinz will complete and unrar the download 100% fine but until those things are finished altbinz will freeze for ~10 seconds then work for ~10 seconds, repetitively.

Used a fresh install of altbinz along with no prior appdata, issue persisted. Problem can be reproduced, I am using a Synology DS918+ NAS.

Side note, unraring takes much longer when unraring is taking place on the nas, could this also be an issue or just seem like it is a normal problem due to latency?

Offline drinkalot

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Unrarring data on your nas would read the data to your computer, then send it back to the nas, so most likely latency/throughput which can be expected. Although the DS918+ used to be high end..
But, do you use a SSD cache, and do you connect through ISCSI or CIFS/SMB??
According to some reviews, ISCSI could nearly double the performance.

Offline Baird GoW

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I am more concerned about the freezing. The unraring part isn't a huge issue it takes like 30 mins instead of 3 and if I need it fast I can always download to my C drive for a short period. I watched a video that said the ssd cache was a joke, but have been thinking of trying myself and if it doesn't work just resell the SSDs. Also I don't even know what ISCSI is ill need to look into it. If you wouldn't mind giving a brief overview before I have time to do an in depth look I would greatly appreciate it.

Offline Baird GoW

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Any word if its possible to fix the freezing?

Offline abismo

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Temp folder on C: drive
Download folder also on C: drive
Unrar folder on your NAS
This should work without freezes

Alternatively you can use the download station in your NAS, it can handle NZB´s too

The SSD cache works fine if a) many users accessing the NAS b) you have a 10G network c) your HDD is slow 5900rpm instead of 7200rpm. A single user with just 1G won´t benefit from a SSD cache.