After I installed installed Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 1709 I started getting System Error. Code 998. Invalid access to memory location
However, it seems my issue was directly related to the amount of items I had in my queue, which even though deleted a bunch of old duplicate items, my memory usage still exceeded 2GB, which was actually working OK under anniversary update, but seems like Fall Creators Update doesn't like it.....
Anyway, copied my entire queue folder to a backup, cleared it and started again from scratch and it's been working fine ever since.
Obviously I would like to access that original queue folder at some point, rdl suggested I modify the queue.idx
rdl's suggestion was to have a two or three queue backup folders, each one after opening the queue.idx file and "remove half of hashes (from 3rd line and below)".
Obviously you'll need to work out which hashes you remove from each file, but you potentially will have a few queue folders, each with their own queue.idx file, and once you close Alt.Binz, you should be able to rename, and relaunch Alt.Binz with a different queue folder.
This is theoretical, but it's what rdl suggested to me when my queue blew past the 2GB memory limit and while it was working in Anniversary Edition, I got a hard error and it wouldn't work at all in Fall Creators Update.
rdl will advise if I am steering you in the wrong direction here - but as I said, clearing my queue folder completely, fixed the error and Alt.Binz returned to normal operation. Not ideal, but kept me going, just need to work out how I'm going to deal with the old queue folder which still has heaps of stuff I want to download.