Author Topic: Noticed Par2 'occasionally' doesn't repair (where quickpar will)  (Read 7474 times)

Offline zoned

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Had this a few times recently when the repair has failed quickpar is able to repair the files. Removing from Par2 the file and adding it again then will see and repair the file. Or after quickpar has repaired removing from par2 and add again will see file complete.

RDL I will pm you details of these files so you can check them.


OT: Unknown if this is how altbinz has always worked that after repair many damaged files listed in par2 then will go back to first repaired onwards to check again to make icon green. This time showing total block count which can be many more than previously shown.

I Wonder after repair taken place that altbinz doesn't then show total blocks and turn icon green since it will know at that time instead of needing a later check.

Offline Benjiro

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Re: Noticed Par2 'occasionally' doesn't repair (where quickpar will)
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2014, 11:38:48 pm »
For a long time, noticed the also problem with alt-binz's par function.

Especially, when there is a long list of separate files, that are batch downloaded, the par list ... looks like it "stalls". In reality, it will check / join / repair the files, but slowly, very slowly. May take hour and hours just to do a few GB.

Not only that, because it takes so long, alt-binz "forgets" to query/download the other par2 repair files.

A easy way to sometimes see this effect is: search for "720p horriblesubs". Select like the last 15 days from one poster like Ishouni ( to keep consistent ) on BinSearch ( probably around 10 to 15GB ), and then place them all in query. Download will go good. You see a 20 or 30 files in the par2 tab. No problems. But as it downloads the files, the 001,002,003,004 files just pile up ( especially on a fast connection ), while the par2 check, is slow as hell. And this then trigger possible problems later ( not downloading "spare par2 files" for repairs ) etc...

Its almost like having too many different par2 sets in the same download directory triggers this problem. Almost like par2 check does not check on the title, but all the par2 files in the directory. So for each file its checking, it opens "all" the par2 files, to see what belongs to "episode 1". Then it does the same for "episode 2". And ...

Splitting the exact same files, one by one ( major job ), and everything is perfect. Feels like the par2 check / repair is greedy.

Interesting problem also. I can always tell that there is something wrong with the par2 repair/check, when you select 1 or more items, and you can not delete them from the par2 tab ( unless you close alt-bins, wait for it to finish, open alt-binz, and if your list is still there, you can delete items with ease ).

Offline zoned

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Re: Noticed Par2 'occasionally' doesn't repair (where quickpar will)
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2014, 10:01:50 pm »
It maybe your problem is similar or different, so far it not similar. But any speed up for processing is good for Altbinz and the par2 repair.

Below is similar to what I did.

Check Altbinz so the par2 repair is enabled, the file unpack option is disabled. Then download files as your post mentions above. After completes downloading and Altbinz has completed repairs and has stopped Par2 checking and repairing. For all the files Altbinz hasn't been able to repair Copy them to a new folder located on another drive is ok, or not in same download folder location as the Altbinz download folder is.

Delete the good files of Altbinz Par2 list (green icons are the good files). So all is left are the files Altbinz has unable to repair.

Then run QuickPar on the new Copied folder on all those files noting which QuickPar can or cannot repair. For those files that Quickpar needs more vol00+00.par2 volumes. In Altbinz you will need to manually unpause to download them. Wait again until Altbinz has again stopped Par2 checking and repairing. Noting now those files Altbinz has now repaired and those it hasn't.

For those Altbinz hasn't repaired do the above test with these files with QuickPar to see if they can be repaired. Note those that Can be repaired only. The ones that cannot be is neither Altbinz or Quickpar fault. See if other search engines have more blocks for the un-repaired files to repair them.

Delete all the files you have tested with from both locations.

Change Altbinz setting logging is also enabled enter higher number for lines for a larger log file. If already have log file enabled delete all the log file has or if need to keep it exit and restart Altbinz.

Now download again only those files which Quickpar repaired and that Altbinz didn't. Do the same as above for download and checking. This time you have a log file just for these files. Write here what you noticed with no files names posted on forum. PM RDL with this thread url at top of the pm, Altbinz log file copied to pm and the exact file names.nzb you have problems with to help RDL to find the problem.

The same can be done for other Par2 tests between Altbinz and Quickpar for other Par2 problems also.

I also tested with Multipar and Autounpack and these two also gave same results as Altbinz, only QuickPar was able to repair the files at the moment.

Offline zoned

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Re: Noticed Par2 'occasionally' doesn't repair (where quickpar will)
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2014, 10:17:04 pm »
!!!!! I don't see an edit button !!!!!!!!

For the above paragraph that reads

Then run QuickPar on the new Copied folder on all those files noting which QuickPar can or cannot repair. For those files that Quickpar needs more vol00+00.par2 volumes. In Altbinz you will need to manually unpause to download them. Wait again until Altbinz has again stopped Par2 checking and repairing. Noting now those files Altbinz has now repaired and those it hasn't.

It should read

Then run QuickPar on the new Copied folder on all those files noting which QuickPar can or cannot repair. For those blocks that Quickpar needs more will be contained in Filename.vol00+00.par2 volumes. In Altbinz you will need to manually un-pause them to download them maybe easier to download them all. Wait again until Altbinz has again stopped Par2 checking and repairing. Noting now those files Altbinz has now repaired and those that haven't been repaired.

Offline dabrown

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Re: Noticed Par2 'occasionally' doesn't repair (where quickpar will)
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2015, 07:40:47 pm »
Apologies for bumping an old thread but this sounds exactly like what I just posted to a different topic

I have seen something similar - the par2 check realises it needs to download an additional par2 file to repair the set, and it usually grabs a file based on required blocks to repair, but then for whatever reason the par2 repair just doesn't complete.  It goes through the process, but no repair.

This could be because there still aren't enough blocks or it "gets confused" and just wont repair for some unknown reason.

To get around this, in the past I've manually unpaused an additional par2 file from the download queue, once that finishes downloading, this prompts the par2 check to check over the entire fileset again, and often that is enough to continue to the process of repair and unrar and subsequent cleanup.

But on a semi regular basis, it just wont complete - I end up using Quickpar or Multipar to repair and then I can right-click the par2 set and select the "unrar par2/sfv" (CTRL-U) option which then unrars and cleans up the files for me.

If you need extracts of logs, I can probably find something, or just wait until it happens again.
