tried again with the same nzb file & the problem wasn't there this time.
But, I do still have the file with the error from the original DL that did have the problem, 170524_12.part31.rar
if you think that I can learn anything from it.
Just tell me where to upload it if you want to look at it
But I did get the same kind of error in another DL today. Like I said, it's something that happens and it's been going on for some time.
Another error that started about the same time as this one, also comes along on a regular basis, but less often, is when AltBinz DLs a set that needs repair, it will then DL the necessary par files, & do a repair but the repair will come us a failed. But if I then manually let Altbinz DL one more par2 file, it will then do another repair & this time it will be
& 1 more that showed up at about the saem time is automatic unraring of a set will come up failed, but if I choose it in the par2 tab and do a ctrl+U/unrar set, then it will unrar with no problems.