Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Bugs => Topic started by: spamwerbung on June 12, 2017, 07:19:27 pm
Today I noticed what seem a real bug. I have a broken collection where par2 repair fail because one block is missing:
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] Repair is required.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] 13 file(s) exist but are damaged.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] 403 file(s) are ok.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] You have 8271 out of 8301 data blocks available.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] You have 29 recovery blocks available.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] Repair is not possible.
[12/06/2017 17:49:21] [PAR2&Unrar] You need 1 more recovery blocks to be able to repair.
Not a big deal, but
So the par2 repair notice, oh there is a block missing, but won't download any additional block even available because the download thread believe to have enough repair blocks downloaded.
+1 to same bug, and I am tired of manually downloading par blocks.
Can you try to help me reproduce this?
Yes, just tell me how. ;)
Well, few things could help...
Was there par2 set that was downloaded in the same folder? Do you have option to delete certain filetypes after unrar?
Based on par2 tab file block listing and par2.exe log feedback you could pinpoint which file is problematic one (mismatch between detected blocks) Then you could try and reproduce the problem by downloading only that file and seeing altbinz block count and then manualy running par2.exe to see reported block count by that tool. If things can be reproduced then you could send me nzb with needed file info.
Currently I do not have any such "broken" download yet. Next time I have I will try above steps.
I think that maybe you're talking about the same thing that I encounter on a regular basis.
AltBinz par checker gives the set a %100 OK, whereas it's really not & manually checking with QuickPar the result will be 1 block missing.
Download set in question was an nzb created in the Binsearch tab, NG subject 170524_12
I have pix & the nzb file but don't see how to attach them here
clicking on 'instert image' icon just gives me following (http://)
Everything is ok here regarding that nzb/par2 set
Use image hosters like imgur to upload pictures and then use insert image link around link to your picture.
Like, I'd mentioned, this comes up on a regular basis; not every day, but at least once a week or more.
Could you try same nzb and see if you'll get same result. Make sure you have detailed logging turned on. Also, make sure you save problematic file.
tried again with the same nzb file & the problem wasn't there this time.
But, I do still have the file with the error from the original DL that did have the problem, 170524_12.part31.rar
if you think that I can learn anything from it.
Just tell me where to upload it if you want to look at it
But I did get the same kind of error in another DL today. Like I said, it's something that happens and it's been going on for some time.
Another error that started about the same time as this one, also comes along on a regular basis, but less often, is when AltBinz DLs a set that needs repair, it will then DL the necessary par files, & do a repair but the repair will come us a failed. But if I then manually let Altbinz DL one more par2 file, it will then do another repair & this time it will be
& 1 more that showed up at about the saem time is automatic unraring of a set will come up failed, but if I choose it in the par2 tab and do a ctrl+U/unrar set, then it will unrar with no problems.
You should take a look at hardware. Start with memory and hdd.
There was a major bug regarding this. Could be fixed now...
Thanks for still looking into this, even I did not had any additional download where this was happen.
Well, few things could help...
Was there par2 set that was downloaded in the same folder? Do you have option to delete certain filetypes after unrar?
Based on par2 tab file block listing and par2.exe log feedback you could pinpoint which file is problematic one (mismatch between detected blocks) Then you could try and reproduce the problem by downloading only that file and seeing altbinz block count and then manualy running par2.exe to see reported block count by that tool. If things can be reproduced then you could send me nzb with needed file info.
I had today luck to get again such problematic file/collection, the info from PAR2 tab:
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] Repair is required.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] 1 file(s) exist but are damaged.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] 168 file(s) are ok.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] You have 114796 out of 114797 data blocks available.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] You have 1 recovery blocks available.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] Repair is possible.
[01/12/2017 17:42:43] [PAR2&Unrar] 1 recovery blocks will be used to repair.
However, I also tried to repair directly with par2.exe on command line, but with a slightly different result:
Repair is required.
1 file(s) exist but are damaged.
168 file(s) are ok.
You have 114796 out of 114797 data blocks available.
You have 1 recovery blocks available.
Repair is possible.
1 recovery blocks will be used to repair.
Too many input blocks for Reed Solomon matrix.
Any Idea? Especially about the "Too many input blocks for Reed Solomon matrix." message from par2.exe?
par2.exe implementation is limited to 32768 blocks. The more blocks you have - the slower the process is. It's retarded to create set with 114k blocks.
Try some other par2 implementation to fix that post.