Newbie contributor here and I feel quite lousy having my first post be a bug report, but still I had to ask:
1. Speed limits in scheduler don't seem to be respected - Under setup>connection, I setup my maximum download speed to 150 KB/Sec and then setup time-limits in scheduler. However, when I actually started downloading files, I found consistently that Alt.Binz was ignoring the speed limit. I wasn't able to take a movie to show this, but here's a screenshot that might help:
2. Click-n-drag in Scheduler - according to
this post by Rdl, I should be able to click-drag, shift-click and ctrl-click in Scheduler. Can't seem to be able to any of that.
Version/OS Info:
1. Alt.Binz 0.28.3/03.11.2008
2. Windows XP SP2
PS: I do love Alt.Binz just to be clear
- The RSS functionality is just killer!