Author Topic: Par2 thread hangs checking blocks (causes other things to fail)  (Read 8529 times)

Offline Rdl

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Re: Par2 thread hangs checking blocks (causes other things to fail)
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2012, 06:49:27 am »
But that sample is 70ms long. Based on that I would estimate around 1sec for whole file?? It would help if you got whole log for slow processing file. In this one I don't see anything unusual. First 2 blocks read and then block by block. I really need to know if that slow file was complete or not and if there was par set (for that file) loaded before slow checking of that file.

I can't see how to attach the log file here to my post
The whole log file is 12675 lines long  just the processing (slow reading) of 1 15mg par file is 1887 lines with start time "18:55:36.4668250"
and end time of "18:56:21.5671605". That's 45 seconds for a 15MG, which usually takes less than 1 second when all if fine and par files are checked.
Please upload log file somewhere and send me the link via PM.