Author Topic: [Password protected .rar files]  (Read 4401 times)

Offline SPX

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[Password protected .rar files]
« on: May 10, 2020, 06:18:09 pm »

I am using the latest version of Alt.binz (0.47.1) and I have found a small bug in regards to password protected .rar files. Downloaded with password protected content which consists of multiple .rar files will unrar perfectly when I manually fill in the password. A little more context; so when the download starts I right click on the downloading file in the download queue section and choose "set password" and when the download is completed Alt.Binz will automatically unrar the file with the provided password.

But when the downloaded content only consist of only 1 .rar file (some forums password protect their .nzb files in a .rar file) the above mentioned method by manually entering the password will not work. So if I want to download the desired content I need to download the .nzb file first (which is a password protected .rar file) but by manually entering the password will not lead to an automatic unrar by Alt.Binz after the download is completed. I hope this can be fixed in future updates.

Furthermore, a small request; is it possible to add selecting multiple files in the download queue section and enter the password for multiple files at ones (if all the files uses the same password of course) in the upcoming updates? At the moment when I select multiple files in the download queue section, the "set password" option is greyed out.