Author Topic: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%  (Read 3508 times)


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Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:17:19 am »
0.39.3, Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

If I use 50%, the scheduler works the way it typically does (Fluctuation, but nothing too bad). If I go 60% or higher, the scheduler stops working. It just goes my maximum speed. Maybe it is just happening to me, but it seems like a bug. I tried switching it mid download and when it would change over (After a minute or so), it would happen to that script, over and over. I tried restarting and everything. If I go above 50%, it stops working.


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Re: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 05:29:04 am »
Alright, so... I tried to up my set connection speed. I have a slow connection that is tweaked a bit because I can only get DSL where I live (Out in the middle of nowhere), but it had to be tweaked down a bit to get a better signal. Anyway, I get maybe 280ish KB/s. I put it up to 320 at 50% and it worked, but as soon as I went past that, it stopped working again. Maybe it is the number or has something to do with my connection. 330 KB/s and above make it stop working again.

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Re: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 08:49:18 am »
Remember that the bandwidth is divided between the number of threads, and there's a limit to how much Alt.Binz can parse the percentages at very low speeds while still keeping each thread connected. You could try lowering the number of threads you're using, and watch them in the connection panel (hit F9).


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Re: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2011, 10:52:20 am »
Thanks. That fixed it. That still leads to a problem, though. Why can other programs do this and not Alt.Binz. I would still list it as a bug. I mean Newsleecher and Sabnzbd can do it with no problem. Not that anyone needs more than a few threads, with my speed. I actually thought about it earlier, then remember saying to myself that I have never seen a usenet client have that problem before.

Not that it matters, it is working now, but also it does seem that it could use a little work. This problem probably shouldn't happen. Combine it with the fluctuations and it does seem to need a bit of optimizing. Not meaning to insult the program, just saying that it seems like it could be done. Borderline bug.

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Re: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2011, 11:54:07 am »
How about little more info?

CPU? Connection speed? Number of threads?


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Re: Scheduler Not Working Past 50%
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2011, 07:27:39 pm »
The download computer I have is a 3.0ghz, with initially 20 threads. I talked about the connection speed in the second post ( It is roughly 280 KB/s).

I cut it down to 10 threads and the problem went away. I didn't have this problem with other Usenet clients, which is why it was initially confusing. They never had a problem with bandwidth throttling, even with more threads. I know my speed is slow, but I had never had a problem before with the threads. I actually leave more open when I make a picture run or something, allowing for faster switching over. I guess it doesn't matter how many threads I have, but I do feel like it shouldn't matter to the program either. I mean it doesn't to others, which means that I know the possibility exists for it work right in this program, as well.