Author Topic: .sfv being deleted after verification  (Read 2977 times)

Offline zer0gig

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.sfv being deleted after verification
« on: September 29, 2012, 05:01:02 pm »
When downloading something that comes with an sfv but no par2, if the sfv passes, alt.binz will delete the sfv. It does keep the sfv file if you untick "Delete par2 files if all ok". So it looks like par2 and sfv are both in the same option, I would like to keep all the sfv files but not the par2 files, can the option be split?

Also I noticed if you re-download the same sfv to the same directory, it will add it as a new entry in the par2 list and re-verify. This is different behaviour compared to doing the same thing with a par2, with a par2 it will not add a new entry to the list.

Windows 7 x64 - Alt.Binz 0.39.9

Offline bbyte

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Re: .sfv being deleted after verification
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 03:26:46 am »
This just started happening to me as well for no apparent reason?

Alt.Binz v 0.39.9 O/S: Vista

I've cleaned up my PAR2 (Par2/sfv set) so there's nothing in there. RE-download and the Alt.Binz deletes the .sfv file. This is really annoying as I use sfv for parity check as do many programs.