Author Topic: slow down due to huge amount of file in collection  (Read 3027 times)

Offline spamwerbung

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slow down due to huge amount of file in collection
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:10:28 pm »

I do not know if this is really a bug, but I want to mention.

I have noticed that Alt.Binz pause/freeze every three seconds for about one second when you have a huge amount of files in a collection. I recently downloaded large collection (80GB and larger) where the collection had over 1600 files. When pausing a large amount Alt.Binz stopped pausing every three seconds and download as normal. The issue starts around 500-600 active files where Alt.Binz starts pausing every three seconds for about one millisecond but still noticeable. Now, the more files you set on active the longer is the pause every three seconds. To be clear this is only for the amount of files in a single collection, not across multiple collections in the download list. Another side effect is that Alt.Binz falls behind decoding downloaded files due to the pauses.

Offline dabrown

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Re: slow down due to huge amount of file in collection
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 12:29:26 pm »
I have seen similar behaviour.

If you have a lot of files queued - I too see these "pauses".  I am also guilty of having a huge queue which needs cleaning out, but when first opening Alt.Binz causes an extended amount of time to open - due to a lot of .abz files being read (I guess) and also huge amounts of memory usage - but after some time, Windows 10 reports memory usage at significantly less - honestly don't know whether to believe the initial memory usage at well over 2GB (which is bad news for a 32Bit app) or seeing Task Manager report later that mem usage has dropped to only a few hundred MB.