Author Topic: two \ in path to par.exe (can cause crash)  (Read 3039 times)

Offline spamwerbung

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two \ in path to par.exe (can cause crash)
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:12:18 pm »

I noticed that AltBinz often crash when it need to repair a download and I might have found why. In the config.abz is the path to par2.exe stored with two backslash:

Sometimes AltBinz manage to avoid a crash somehow and the rapair is done as it should be. When I edit the file, remove the second backslash and set read-only attribute AltBinz did not crash at all when a repair is needed. However, you can't change any options then.  ;)

Even with a fresh copy (delete all AltBinz files) is the path written with two backslash:

Any idea?

btw. Logfiles are useless, because after a restart AltBinz is in a state 10-20 minutes before the crash where the par set is still marked as in progress at ~90-95% but is already finished with at least one corrupt file where par2 is called to repair. But this seem to fail because the path to call par2.exe is not as it should be and AltBinz crash with the "application don't respond"-windows where you can wait for response or terminate the program.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 11:19:11 pm by spamwerbung »

Offline Hecks

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Re: two \ in path to par.exe (can cause crash)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2014, 01:01:49 am »
This really shouldn't make any difference at all - it's standard behaviour on Windows to ignore double backslashes like this, and indeed par2.exe wouldn't run at all if it was a problem. FWIW, my par2 repair process has never crashed Alt.Binz.

To help with the bug hunting, please reproduce the steps that result in Alt.Binz hanging, including details of your system, etc. - read the stickie for the info required in bug reports.

Offline Rdl

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Re: two \ in path to par.exe (can cause crash)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2014, 12:36:16 pm »
Path stored by mistake in config under PAR2cmdpath isn't used at all.

Offline spamwerbung

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Re: two \ in path to par.exe (can cause crash)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2014, 05:51:20 pm »

btw. To test further, how can I cause corrupt downloads to enforce par-repair triggers? When the downloads are fine, and just sometimes fail (mostly over night when I sleep) it makes bit hard to reproduce. ;)