Author Topic: v0.36.0 Too many characters in path  (Read 3239 times)

Offline mano3m

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v0.36.0 Too many characters in path
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:02:02 pm »
Alt.Binz 0.36.0 Windows 7 x64

When the par2/nzb name is too long and "create subfolders based on NZB/root node name" is selected in download options, Alt.Binz will try to decode the files to the subfolder and gets the error from Windows that the path/filename is too long. It will retry and retry until the program crashes. The only solution is to remove the nzb from the queue and restart alt.binz. I suggest to build in a check to the length of the total path+file name that Alt.Binz is trying to decode, and crop the directory name such that it does work. I can imagine the same happens with the unrar folder if filenames get too long.


Offline mano3m

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Re: v0.36.0 Too many characters in path
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 12:06:23 pm »
Just noticed a few posts below the same issue is flagged. As it can very easily be fixed (and Alt.Binz crashes because of it) I do think it is a bug, that can easily be fixed. When importing the NZB, check the total path length, and reduce the subfolder pathlength until it is ok.