Author Topic: Will not get NZB if default NZB folder doesn't exist /0.24.2  (Read 3152 times)

Offline temp1abc

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Will not get NZB if default NZB folder doesn't exist /0.24.2
« on: April 30, 2007, 08:21:09 am »
This is what I did:
1) installed Alt.Binz for the first time
2) messed with the settings, including the "default NZB directory". I set this directory to be a directory that didn't exist.
3) ran a search using Binsearch.
4) Add To Queue would NOT WORK.

I walked back through my steps, created the "default NZB" folder myself, and found out that this fixed the problem (it now works fine).


A) Automatically create the folder if it does not exist in this situation, or
B) Pop up an alert or SOMETHING even in the log that says why it was unable to place the NZB in the folder.

Either default action would be better than the current option:

C) Do nothing and say nothing, forcing the user to assume something worked.

Thanks...this program looks like it's on the edge of things in a real good way. Keep up the good work.

- temp1abc