Author Topic: 2 "Favorites" features  (Read 8762 times)

Offline kC_

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2 "Favorites" features
« on: September 28, 2007, 01:01:52 am »
is there anyway you can add an alias for a RSS favorite name?

e.g you paste a url into the RSS bar, add as favorite, then altbinz could ask "favorite name/description?"

if left blank.... then you just view the url in the dropdown bar as it is currently.

but if you enter a name/alias then in the dropdown list you see just its alias/description.

and another feature:
within the search tabs newzleech/aeton/binsearch etc.... ability to add/edit favorite groups
(i realize thats possible by editing the aetonglist.abz/bsglist1.abz) but its nice to easily have allgroups, or just favorite groups without having to close theprogram and swap files around


Offline Rdl

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Re: 2 "Favorites" features
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 03:49:36 pm »
Quote from: "kC_"
is there anyway you can add an alias for a RSS favorite name?

e.g you paste a url into the RSS bar, add as favorite, then altbinz could ask "favorite name/description?"

if left blank.... then you just view the url in the dropdown bar as it is currently.

but if you enter a name/alias then in the dropdown list you see just its alias/description.


Quote from: "kC_"

and another feature:
within the search tabs newzleech/aeton/binsearch etc.... ability to add/edit favorite groups
(i realize thats possible by editing the aetonglist.abz/bsglist1.abz) but its nice to easily have allgroups, or just favorite groups without having to close theprogram and swap files around


Added for binsearch and aeton. Newzleech & others currently can't have that feature.