Author Topic: A few requests: file handling  (Read 4076 times)

Offline Matt-VP

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A few requests: file handling
« on: December 22, 2006, 05:38:47 pm »
1.  SFV and MD5 files only get deleted if there has been an archive unpacked. How about being able to delete these after the parity files have completed their checks successfully? Most music gets posted with just parity files and the music files are not in a Winrar archive. So maybe relocate these delete file options up by the "clean-up par files" options and be able to delete them even if there is no call to Winrar.

2.  Quick par also supports SFV and MD5.  If there are no *.par files found in the queue perhaps it could then load up the *.sfv file or *.md5 file, if one of those are available.

3.  I would also like to suggest that if after an nzb is processed and it has processed successfully (with a par, sfv, md5 check and then any possible un-rar) that the nzb be removed from the queue automatically aswell as the par files on the par tab.  By not seeing the file(s) in queue or the par tab, it would indicate success.

4.  A download folder button up at the top of GUI for your default download folder path.  Not sure if that fits in with your download folder plans, as I see there are some people asking for greater control over their download folders.

Again, thanks in advance for any implementation

Offline Matt-VP

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A few requests: file handling
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 08:15:23 pm »
Any thoughts RDL?

Offline Rdl

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A few requests: file handling
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 04:01:03 pm »
1. You're right, I'll move that process after par2 checking.

2. I'm not using quickpar, but it's not a problem to add support for sfv/md5 (much easier than par2 :) ) But it will have to wait.

3.We had that request. But depends on ones point of view. I consider something succesfully downloaded when I see green par2 icon par2 tab. That way I know everything is ok, and with few clicks I delete par2 set from par2 tab and paused files(par2 recovery files) from queue

4. Again for debate. Why do you need to change download folder that much. And couldn't you use already provided button for changing NZB(s) download folder?

Offline d4f0rc3

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Re: A few requests: file handling
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 06:19:49 pm »
bump on 2.

so many new builds and still no support for sfv/md5 :(