Alt.Binz forum

New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: sidbib on March 02, 2021, 05:16:15 am

Title: Ability to delete individual download history entries (not clear all history)
Post by: sidbib on March 02, 2021, 05:16:15 am
I use the Alt.Binz download history quite often. I have entries going back to 2013. When I stumble across something interesting and I'm not sure if I already have a copy / version of it, I search my download history to check. Many times I find that I've already downloaded that exact same version but it was so far back I didn't remember.

But I also do a lot of test downloads. These downloads I do not keep afterward but they stay in the download history. I'd like to be able to delete individual download records from the history, but the only option I see is to clear the entire history. I searched the forum and didn't find a similar request, so here I am... requesting :)

Or if there Is a way to edit the history file external of Alt.Binz (meaning no change required to the program), that would be great as well. I have opened the dwnld_history.abz file with wordpad, but it appears to be more than just text (binary?) - so I have not attempted to edit.

Thanks for your consideration.
Title: Re: Ability to delete individual download history entries (not clear all history)
Post by: Rdl on March 02, 2021, 10:58:10 am

I need translation for this item for De, Fr, Nl
stats_deleteitemsinhistory=Do you really want to delete this items from download history?
Deleteitems_menuitem.Caption=Delete item(s)
Title: Re: Ability to delete individual download history entries (not clear all history)
Post by: sidbib on March 02, 2021, 06:27:09 pm
Wow, that was fast!
Thank you Rdl.