Alt.Binz forum

New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: Krankel on March 09, 2011, 08:00:26 pm

Title: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Krankel on March 09, 2011, 08:00:26 pm

I noticed Alt.binz now has categories support. I would like a function where Alt.binz automatically checks if the NZB name consists of, for example, "Ubuntu". I would then want it to automatically download it to E:\Os\Ubuntu - the same way I can do with RSS-feeds.

Isn't this possible in 0.36.1? I can add a new category but I can't enter key words etc for automatic download? I know I can select nzb:s and put them in a category but I want it automatic.

Am I misunderstanding something here, if so - please enlighten me ;)

Update: Maybe I'm asking for the same thing as n this already closed thread?
Title: Re: Categories - How do they work?
Post by: davidq666 on March 09, 2011, 08:17:15 pm
As of now Categories are meant as a faster way to manualy choose a download and unrar dir. I agree it would be nice to have a way to somewhat automate the selection of dl and unrar dir.
Title: Re: Categories - How do they work?
Post by: Hecks on March 09, 2011, 08:21:50 pm
I've moved this here, as this is a more general request without the issues of the other one.
Title: Re: Categories - How do they work?
Post by: Spits123 on March 09, 2011, 09:50:32 pm
I've moved this here, as this is a more general request without the issues of the other one.

This is exactly the same request as I did earlier, only a bit better formulated, and you locked mine down, but this one you'll let open... Sorry to bust your ass for it but it's a touch unfair imo.
Title: Re: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Hecks on March 09, 2011, 10:14:58 pm
As I said, this one doesn't have the same issues as the other one. If you want to continue the discussion on why that's the case, plz do so via PM.
Title: Re: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Spits123 on March 09, 2011, 10:21:03 pm
As I said, this one doesn't have the same issues as the other one. If you want to continue the discussion on why that's the case, plz do so via PM.

No I can understand the issue, but to drop down a request for that, hmm, well guess it's lame but you guys don't really have a choice on that.
Title: Re: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Hecks on March 09, 2011, 10:23:01 pm
This is a public forum, so you just need to apply a bit of common sense. Anyways, let's keep this thread on track :P
Title: Re: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Rdl on March 09, 2011, 10:48:47 pm
So, try and add keywords to categories (maybe even an option for regex?)
Based on keywords, category will be set both inside Enter name dialog and without the dialog.
Title: Re: Categories with keyword functionality
Post by: Rdl on March 12, 2011, 05:48:33 pm

Keywords are entered in following format (with spaces in between): keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ....
If keywords field starts with "@" then the rest is considered as regular expression: @reg_ex

Link to RegEx stuff & discussion regarding it:

All nzbs go through categories now ( manual import, drag&drop, auto import, search tabs, rss )