Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: Krankel on March 09, 2011, 08:00:26 pm
I noticed Alt.binz now has categories support. I would like a function where Alt.binz automatically checks if the NZB name consists of, for example, "Ubuntu". I would then want it to automatically download it to E:\Os\Ubuntu - the same way I can do with RSS-feeds.
Isn't this possible in 0.36.1? I can add a new category but I can't enter key words etc for automatic download? I know I can select nzb:s and put them in a category but I want it automatic.
Am I misunderstanding something here, if so - please enlighten me ;)
Update: Maybe I'm asking for the same thing as n this already closed thread?
As of now Categories are meant as a faster way to manualy choose a download and unrar dir. I agree it would be nice to have a way to somewhat automate the selection of dl and unrar dir.
I've moved this here, as this is a more general request without the issues of the other one.
I've moved this here, as this is a more general request without the issues of the other one.
This is exactly the same request as I did earlier, only a bit better formulated, and you locked mine down, but this one you'll let open... Sorry to bust your ass for it but it's a touch unfair imo.
As I said, this one doesn't have the same issues as the other one. If you want to continue the discussion on why that's the case, plz do so via PM.
As I said, this one doesn't have the same issues as the other one. If you want to continue the discussion on why that's the case, plz do so via PM.
No I can understand the issue, but to drop down a request for that, hmm, well guess it's lame but you guys don't really have a choice on that.
This is a public forum, so you just need to apply a bit of common sense. Anyways, let's keep this thread on track :P
So, try and add keywords to categories (maybe even an option for regex?)
Based on keywords, category will be set both inside Enter name dialog and without the dialog.
Keywords are entered in following format (with spaces in between): keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 ....
If keywords field starts with "@" then the rest is considered as regular expression: @reg_ex
Link to RegEx stuff & discussion regarding it:
All nzbs go through categories now ( manual import, drag&drop, auto import, search tabs, rss )