Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: tsdarkness on March 02, 2011, 08:57:09 am
Hi, can you change the pause settings ? because it's very limited!!!
Add Numeric dialog for both hours & minutes (instead of pause for 5-30 min 1-5h)
please if anyone want this please add your comment here.
i reckon keep it how it is just add a 'custom' or something to the bottom which brings up a dialog and maybe have it save the last custom setting used so if you want to do it again for that exact amount of time when the dialog comes up you just press ok
or have the whole "pause for" customizable so you can input whatever you want as a static option
Better: Pause for [ x ] minutes. (and everybody knows 1 hour is 60 minutes etc.)
Custom item added where you will be prompted to enter number of minutes.