Rapidoor posts all follow the same convention, and while password-protected, use the same password. Currently, alt.binz is able to verify the files but is unable to unrar them because the filenames do not match. However, QuickPAR and MultiPAR both have the functionality to rename the files; thus, I assume the necessary information to rename the files is included in the small PAR2 file.
In addition, if you have alt.binz set to delete PAR2 files upon successful verification, you must re-download the PAR2 in order to extract the archive, since alt.binz leaves the files misnamed, and without the PAR2 to repair them. At the very least, could you provide an option to delete PAR2s only after the archives have been extracted?
Rapidoor posts follow this pattern-
rapidoor HD home videos -password-.XXXXXXXX
The password is always: "password [tab]"