Since the files in the directories were identical, I created a new upload with different files (which is more true to reality):
Folder 1
- 1.txt
- Folder 1-1
- - 1-1.txt
- Folder 1-2
- - 1-2.txt
- - Folder 1-2-1
- - - 1-2-1.txt
After downloading (par2 and automatic unpacking disabled or enabled) I get these files:
Folder 11.txt
Folder 1Folder 1-11-1.txt
Folder 1Folder 1-21-2.txt
Folder 1Folder 1-2Folder 1-2-11-2-1.txt
Folder 1.par2
but no directories. The names of the directories have been integrated into the names of the files.
With Quickpar you can "fix" the file names, which results in the original and correct names of the individual files, but the directory structure is lost.
Anyway, there are programs that also restore the directories, unfortunately I have no idea how they do it...