Alt.Binz forum

New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: cr4zyfr4g on April 21, 2011, 06:36:36 pm

Title: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: cr4zyfr4g on April 21, 2011, 06:36:36 pm
alt.binz is now capable of combining split files on its own. However the files will be combined in the download directory. Any cleanup script will then simply remove it after the combining.
It would be a nice addition if the files will be moved to the specified unrar folder after combining the split files or combine them directly there
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: Rdl on April 21, 2011, 06:39:00 pm
alt.binz is no capable of combining split files on its own. However the files will be combined in the download directory. Any cleanup script will then simply remove it after the combining.
It would be a nice addition if the files will be moved to the specified unrar folder after combining the split files or combin them directly there
What do you mean by not capable of combining split files on its own?
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: cr4zyfr4g on April 21, 2011, 06:41:14 pm
missed a "w" there. corrected ;)
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: Rdl on April 21, 2011, 06:44:13 pm
So, the request is:
In case of combining if the collection was set to unrar (when combined there is usually nothing to unrar) move combined file to unrar folder?
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: Hecks on April 21, 2011, 06:54:05 pm
This is perhaps where the concept of a "destination" folder makes a little more sense in Setup than an "unrar" folder.
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: cr4zyfr4g on April 21, 2011, 07:02:54 pm
So, the request is:
In case of combining if the collection was set to unrar (when combined there is usually nothing to unrar) move combined file to unrar folder?

yes thats it
Title: Re: Move to Unrar folder, when there is no unrarring
Post by: Rdl on April 25, 2011, 07:41:08 pm
Done. Move files/Delete files/Delete empty folder will also be performed after moving joined file.