Author Topic: New public release  (Read 6795 times)

Offline dacaid

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New public release
« on: October 17, 2008, 07:30:50 pm »

Not really a request, rather an idea.

As a contributor, why the hell would i ask for a new public release?
Well, this is not for me, but for the altbinz community.

The strenght of alt.binz is the search engines included in the proggy, but actually only one search tab still works.

I guess a 0.28.3 release with some "impossible to tick" options for public would be wise and would bring some new blood (and when i mean blood, you guessed i mean some cash for rdl)

Offline pablorindt

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Re: New public release
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2008, 11:48:07 pm »
Yeah I agree, but make it 1 more publik release and then keep it private again ;) That would make much more people use Alt.Binz!

Offline Jusher

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Re: New public release
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 12:47:38 am »
I do not suggest another public release!
The reason is, that I simply contributed because the search engine for Newzleech didn't work anymore and I loved this program so much so I finally got over my fear of contribution (I really like to keep my privacy private, which includes Paypal etc.) and gave. alt.binz some money (not going to tell you how much, but more than 1€ :P) so I could get the newest version with working search engines. If there had been a newer public version, I would have never contributed.
And, by the way, as long as ONE search engine still works, I think the purpose of that feature is still made clear and people that appreciate that, will contribute to get all search engines to work (and of course get many more helpful NEW features).

So in my opinion, a new public release will only be necessary when none of the search engines work anymore! And even then, maybe only 1 or 2 search engines should be fixed because otherwise, the people wouldn't have a reason to contribute.

PS.: This is only from my point of view. I'm sure, there are a lot of people, that contribute because they like the program and not because the program doesn't work. But for me, this was my first contribution I've made for an internet service. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!


Offline Hecks

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Re: New public release
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2008, 12:59:25 am »
Apparently there have been 50 attempts to donate 0.01 EUR in the last days.  Which is a shame for them, really, as there's a lot more to later Alt.Binz versions than search engine fixes.  But if that's all they think it's worth ... :P

I can understand why Rdl isn't exactly rushing to accomodate people like that.  I expect that those who are going to donate will donate regardless, but who knows.

Offline Jusher

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Re: New public release
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2008, 01:17:52 am »
Well 1c is just ridiculous. They should just save 20€ by turning their computer off once a while and saving power, so they could donate at least 10€ to this nice program.
But if you leave the amount to the consumers, there will always be "black sheep" like that, trying to get the quality for the least amount of quantity :P


Offline 1337

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Re: New public release
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2008, 06:08:24 am »
I am with Jusher on this.  As most people on usenet probably would agree, why pay if you can get it for free?  I contributed more than a teeny bit because it is a great program.  I probably wouldn't have at all, though, if the search worked as before, I will have to admit.  I am looking forward to a release that will work with Newzleech as that is first choice when it comes to searching.

Offline Hellster

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Re: New public release
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 08:08:23 am »
Well i am one of those people that think if a piece of software is good and i use it regularly (which is the case with alt.binz) then i have no problem donating towards it's development , so my opinion is if people want the latest fixes/releases/features then they should donate. Besides the fact that it's not like they are asking a million dollar donation or anything rediculous , and you only have to donate once , but again if a program is good and gets used a lot it doesn't hurt to donate to it's development , afterall it costs time and money developing software :)
Keep up the great work.

Offline karn

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Re: New public release
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2009, 12:12:18 pm »
Maybe follow a pattern similar to No$GBA?

Release latest versions to contributors only and release old versions (No$ releases the previous version) to public sometime after the private release. That way contributors still get the latest and greatest but the free users aren't forgotten. Maybe release 3-6months later or something?

Offline davidq666

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Re: New public release
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2009, 12:37:19 pm »
even though it would be nice to let non-contributors have a peak what the new alt.binz-version feel like i don't think new public releases is the way... maybe more screenshots to help visualision the advances might be something?
new versions with a trial period of like 14 days or something would be great, but i imagine to create extra auto-stop-versions would be too much work to be worth it.

Offline Hecks

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Re: New public release
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2009, 12:46:58 pm »
The question is: what incentiive would there be to release any further free versons?

Offline Hellster

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Re: New public release
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2009, 01:00:52 pm »
Exactly , personally at the most i'd maybe have the changelog listing the fixes/modifications in the latest release available , but as far as newer free public releases , well they can test out the latest public release (0.25) and if they like it they can make the choice to continue using that or donate to get a version with all the latest fixes etc.
Just my opinion tho :)

PS: Ya never know tho , RDL might consider it once he's saved up for that Ferrari he's always wanted and living it up in Hawaii :)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 01:12:12 pm by Hellster »

Offline Gompy

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Re: New public release
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2009, 01:26:17 pm »
Don't undertstand why this issue is brought up to live again?
As far as i know, Rdl made already a statement about this matter

Offline Benjiro

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Re: New public release
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2009, 04:27:44 pm »
Just read the comment that you pointed us to Gompy:

There will be no new free version. 0.25 is fully functional minus search engines.EOD

No offense to Rdl, but he does not know his target audience / potential donators. The reason why most or all off use use alt.binz, is because its easy to search the search engines, and with two mouse clicks, to download something.

Remove those search engine integration, and the program is useless. So, any new person who does not know alt.binz, will download it, conclude that nothing works, and that its some poss buggy program, thats useless. That person then steps away.

If people just want a nbz download program, there are dozen a dime. But newsserver download programs with integrated search engines, there are only a few off those around.

Just my 2 cents, but he's better off releasing a shareware of whatever version, thats a bit up to date, then just turning almost all new customers away. There might be a reason why people only donate 0.01€... If they think thats worth it based on there first impression on by now busted version...

Offline Hecks

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Re: New public release
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2009, 04:35:15 pm »
I think we can safely assume that Rdl knows his "target audience" very well, and that he has his own good reasons for doing things this way.  Since everything that can be said now has been said about this:
