Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: graymatter on January 20, 2008, 08:45:38 pm
Would it be possible for the notification area icon to show when altbinz is repairing or unraring?
Maybe change the icon to the par2 icon when repairing or the rar icon when unraring.
That way I don't have to keep clicking the icon to restore the program to see what the program is doing.
nice idea
Sometimes when my pc is slow i want to check if it is alt.binz causing it. A repair symbol in the system tray would be very nice. Saves me some clicks. It also takes more time to open the client when there is much disk activity.
+1 :)
that s a good idea
Maybe in addition to the request:
Hide the speedbar in de system tray icon when client is disconnected on idle. Like it is when the connect button is not pressed.
This way I can see the difference between disconnect on idle or if the client isnt downloading because of some problem. :) close that one
Hi everybody !
+1 for this idea, we can think of something like this :
Great idea,
don;t forget say blue colour for par2 fixing and say purple for unraring!
If it's not too much work... I would definitely appreciate some sort of status icon's in the tray.
I really like these idea's and would also like to see them added, if it's not too much trouble.
I had a little time to spare this evening, so I extracted the original icon out of Alt.Binz, and created a range of new coloured ones to help in this request. I've uploaded the .psd file with all the layers in case someone (Rdl?) wants to play with it too :-)
Here's the psd file: (
Here's an enlarged picture of the new colours (combined all in a line):
And here's what they look like at normal size:
Perhaps it will help - perhaps not :-)
ok guys. No change of tray icon for disconnect, idle state cause it's obvious enough as it is now (black line for idle/downloading)
SO all we have to do now is agree on a color (new icon design?) for repair and unrar states.
Red for repair (like the red cross)
Blue for unrar (because it's different to the others)
Although will the blue clash with the default windows taskbar colour?
yellow for repair purple for unrar... yellow because the repair icon in par2 tab is mainly yellow and purple coz winrar icon is purple...
Purdy colours, thanks. But pink is a very under-rated colour, I feel. :P
Red screams 'DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!" to me, so shouldn't be used if Alt.Binz is running AOK. I like purple & orange.
This is more like what I had in mind.
This is more like what I had in mind.
Now do that on 16x16 icon and if it looks that good I'll use it :) (it won't :) )
yeah it's nice idea, but if you have the icon in tray its so small, that the par2 and rar icon part of it will be hard to recognize... AND the alt.binz Z is partly covered which is kind of a drage since i like the Z
What about this?
i like the idea of a second progressbar but blue and green are to much alike.. how about white instead of green?
Purdy colours, thanks. But pink is a very under-rated colour, I feel. :P
Red screams 'DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!" to me, so shouldn't be used if Alt.Binz is running AOK. I like purple & orange.
I don't know about this 'pink' thingy :o but I agree about the color red
I don't know about this 'pink' thingy
Added separate icons for repair and unrar without progress indicator (for now)