Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: davidq666 on December 19, 2008, 02:12:20 pm
in the stettings u can configure alt.binz to import nzb's,nfo's and sample-files as paused.unfortunatly this neat option is often renderd useless or even counter productive when these files are part of the par2-collcetion. when this happens they get repaired which takes more time then to download them in the first place.
But since they are not necesary for the unraring process alt.binz can unrar the collection but only manualy. i would like to have an option for alt.binz an automatic unrar as soon as all rar files are downloaded.
Also i would like alt.binz to wait with the removing of a complete collection until the unrar is completed successfully. right now it does that after downloaing the calculated repairblocks. every once in a while somthing goes wrong and more repair blocks are needed. but once the repair has failed the collection is already removed
Not sure if this should go in Bugs, but anyways. Very nitpicky, but figured I might as well bring it up.
I've set alt.binz to download only essential files (small par2-file, RARs) and nothing else. Finished downloads are automatically repaired if necessary and unrared to a different folder. After the unrar other files and the original folder are deleted. The problem is when the small par2-file contains information about the nfo-file that I don't download. The repair mechanism will notice it doesn't exist and repairs it. This results in two things: 1) unnecessary time and resources spent on repairing and 2) the original folder won't be deleted as it is now not empty.
Would it be possible to make the whole process automatic so all I'm left with are the extracted files? In other words, would it be possible for either the repair mechanism to check whether I wanted to download the NFO in the first place or for the unrar mechanism to delete with the rest of the files?
While you're waiting for this request to be implemented, you can do what the rest of us do:
Ah brilliant, that oughta do it as a workaround.
yeah the best thing right now is to download all those small files u don't need and to delete them after unrar, because in case they are needed an unessary repairprocess takes at least the same amount of traffic and much more time then to download them straight away.