Author Topic: Option to allow more than one post with the same name via RSS feed  (Read 6252 times)

Offline dabrown

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Further to our brief chat on #alt.binz on irc (dman), I understand that by design Alt.Binz filters out duplicate posts with the same subject name from a RSS feed, even though they may be from different posters.  This is causing me to miss some valid posts or to choose from preferred posters.

The way I use the rss feeds, I take an entire group rss feed from various indexers, say group 5040 (TV-HD) and often only the first post from the indexer's rss feed is picked up and put into my download queue (I use the names, wildcards and the | AP option in the filters)

If I want anything else, I have to grab the nzb manually from the indexer's website.  I would find it very useful being able to select/download the nzb from the preferred or different poster from my download queue, even though there maybe 3-4 or more posts. 

As I mentioned earlier I use the "| AP" option in the filter, the post(s) are added to my download queue but paused until I look at it and approve it/unpause it.

This also helps if a post has already been dmca'ed, I can then choose an alternative obfuscated one which may still be alive.

Would you consider adding an option to turn this off the removal of subsequent same named posts, either entirely, or selectively on/off for each separate RSS feed please?

Let me know if you need further information and I will give an example.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Darren (dman)

Offline Rdl

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Re: Option to allow more than one post with the same name via RSS feed
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 09:17:55 pm »
Make sure you run new version at least once to create column in db. You have to edit sqlite3 db - '\misc\rssdb.abz' and modify 'allow_dupe' column to '1' under 'main' table for tab you want.
Use this tool:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 09:26:12 pm by Rdl »

Offline tvholic

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Re: Option to allow more than one post with the same name via RSS feed
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 11:28:58 pm »
It took me a few minutes to figure out with SQLiteSpy you have to double-click on the "main" table to view the data.  To set "allow_dupe" to 1 for all the rows, you can paste this in the box above the table and select "Execute SQL" from the menu:

  UPDATE main
  SET allow_dupe = 1;

For anything more complicated, I think SQLite Expert ( is easier to use.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 11:31:02 pm by tvholic »

Offline dabrown

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Re: Option to allow more than one post with the same name via RSS feed
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2016, 06:49:18 am »
I'd have to agree - SQLite Expert is easier to use