Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: ELSIE8888 on March 02, 2013, 12:39:26 am
Recently I have had downloads with 2 identical named files (but obviously different files with different file sizes) in the same RAR compressed file.
When this file is automatically unrared by alt.binz with the the Setup/Unrar/Overwrite existing file option selected, only 1 file is produced as the first is overwritten by the second file. When the Setup/Unrar/Overwrite existing file option is not selected then only 1 file is also produced as it stops before the second file to avoid overwriting the first.
Is there anyway to rename the files during unraring/decompression without overwriting anything so that all identical named files are extracted & then renamed eg filename1, filename2, etc ?
I have searched the forums but there is no description of what happens to identical files if the Setup/Unrar/Overwrite existing file option is not selected & how to make alt.binz rename the identical files.
If this is not an available option, can I make a request for this function in a future update. If this has already been resolved, please direct me to the solution/forum thread & ignore this request & I apologize for wasting people's time.
Also, I am reiterating my appreciations to Rdl & all the moderators for all the hard work on this totally excellent software!
I had this one on my mind few months ago, but forgot about it. Stupid for unrar to fail when output file could be renamed.
It will be added ASAP.
Thank you very much for the quick attention as always. Will await the update.
Setup->Unrar->Rename instead of overwrite/skip existing files