Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Closed requests => Topic started by: Lon3wolf on June 21, 2013, 05:10:56 pm
Hi there,
one feature, that i would personally find very helpful ist the ability to use passwords in curly brackets in the nzb filenames to get the files downloaded and unpacked. like this one "filename{{heresthepassword}}.nzb". Just to get it a little bit more automatic.
Thanks in advance.
Hallo zusammen,
ein Feature würde ich als sehr hilfreich erachten: Die Nutzung von angegebenen Passwörtern in den NZB-Dateinamen damit verschlüsselte Dateien heruntergeladen und entpackt werden können. Beispiel "Dateiname{{Passwort}}.nzb"
Ein weiterer Automatisierungsschritt.
Vielen Dank im voraus.
Just in case you wouldnt be aware (maybe you are and you just want it even more automated, don't be offended)
you can specify the password in the queue, select your item in queue and press shift+ctrl+P to enter it
or, if you are an "no no no i want to use the mouse as long as i can"-artist (like myself) there are some rar-alike buttons to click and enter the passwort.
These things are all understood.
The benefit that i see is when you are downloading more than one nzb, you have to wait (when alt.binz is already running) for alt.binz looking in the specified folder, moving the nzb to the queue, select it and enter the data for every nzb.
With my "please please implement it" it all goes automatically.
But thx for your reply
Valid questions:
what if passwords contain chars: ? < > \ : * |
what if it's very long password?
Apart from those questions, I still think that if there's a script/app capable of adding passwords to filenames, it should also be capable of doing it the right way by adding them to the NZB metadata:
<!DOCTYPE nzb PUBLIC "-//newzBin//DTD NZB 1.1//EN" "">
<nzb xmlns="">
<meta type="password">password</meta>
Why add out-of-band info when the capability already exists to do this safely within the NZB spec itself, and in a way that's likely to have wider support.
@Rdl : If the filesystem don't support those chars (i.e. Windows can't, but i think that Linux can) they should be ignored (The nzb-file could then not be saved to any folder, alt.binz could not import it, right?) So "illegal" chars can't be in the filename, depending on the filesystem/operationg system used.
And the same is with long (or too long) passwords: they would create a filename out of the specs of the OS/FS, so they can't saved nor imported into alt.binz. Whats the limitation for the lenght of pw in alt.binz itself using the specified button ? i suggest to use the same limitation for the imported ones.
@Hecks: Getting a nzb from several boards without using the nzb-file specs, but creating filenames with the pw inserted into these curly brackets, must then be the problem, correct ?
It's not a problem, but it's not fullproof solution either. I guess I'll add both with option to enable/disable passwords embedded in file names.
That will be great.
Sounds good.
Thumbs up ! ;-)
Both added.