Author Topic: Adding to queue sometimes doesn't work (Update!)  (Read 2571 times)


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Adding to queue sometimes doesn't work (Update!)
« on: January 19, 2009, 08:25:01 pm »
Hi Hecks!

Why do you close threads without giving people a chance to answer? Not interested in resolving bugs of your program?

Anyway, I think I found out what's going on: Sometimes, when adding a large number of postings (and I do that a lot because of HiDef videos!), Newzleech delivers this answer (if I try to get the nzb with FireFox):

"Mysql Db: Busy - Too many users.
Try again later or select fewer posts."

In such cases, when I try to add the articles directly in AltBinz from the Newzleech search results (by right-clicking a search result and selecting "Add to queue"), AltBinz does put anything on the download queue (of course, how could it?), and there's no error message whatsoever! The only indication of the problem is 1 line in the log:

"[19.01.2009 20:09:29] [NZB] D:\News\altbinz\nzb\bd-mp.nzb imported - 0 files"

Why? Because the nzb (I just opened it with Notepad) AltBinz receives from Newzleech contains the following:

"Mysql Db: Busy - Too many users. <br>Try again later or select fewer posts."

The same message as FireFox would give.

So you see the problem? Or what else must I do to convince you? If Newzleech delivers the error message to AltBinz packed in the nzb, AltBinz can't import anything and does not give any error message! It should, because there is a problem and the articles could not be put on the queue. The 1 line in the log is not enough, because the log scrolls very fast when I download something so there's no way I can see the 1 line. And I don't want to check the queue or the log every time I try to add something to the queue.

So please fix this problem and display some kind of error message!


PS: I think you should rethink your attitude on this forum here! Simply closing threads and stating "this has nothing to do with AltBinz", etc. is not only completely wrong, but does not really help either. Instead you should listen to the users of your program...

Offline Mystic2010

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Re: Adding to queue sometimes doesn't work (Update!)
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 08:44:17 pm »
Although I understand your frustration of something like this happening, seriously, this is not alt.binz's problem! As I see it, it is an error of Newzleech. Sure, you could set alt.binz up so that it would respond to such situations, however, this will result in always having these discussions each time newzleech breaks something and creates other kinds of error types (e.g. other ways of notifying about the error). If this were the case, I hope you realize how troublesome it would be to keep fixing things which are a) out of alt.binz's control b) newzleech's fault.

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Re: Adding to queue sometimes doesn't work (Update!)
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2009, 09:02:58 pm »
1) Not my program - rdl is the developer.

2) This is not an Alt.Binz problem.

3) Re-posting threads is against the forum rules.
