Author Topic: Change download/unrar folder  (Read 8967 times)

Offline d4f0rc3

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Change download/unrar folder
« on: March 29, 2011, 09:30:39 pm »
Hi, since I upgraded to 0.37.0 something changed when selecting the download/unrar folder. Before that version, I used to select a download folder, and afterwards an unrar folder. Everytime I clicked "change unrar folder", altbinz remembered the download folder I set before and used it as the default unrar folder to navigate from ( e.g. I select "C:\Shows" as the download folder, when clicked the unrar folder button it would start the explorer windows in "C:\Shows").
Now since 0.37.0 it always starts from the root: when I click "change download folder" it starts with "computer", that's ok for me because then I navigate to the folder I want it to download to. Now when I want to download to "C:\Shows\Simpsons\" and unrar to "C:\Shows\Simpsons\New\" I used to press the "change unrar folder" button and could select the folder "\New" right away because the focus was still on the folder I selected as the download folder which is not possible anymore since 0.37.0. The "select download folder" button starts with "computer" letting me select the drives and so on, but after selecting a download folder when I press "select unrar folder" it starts even lower so I have to select "computer" and then navigate to the previously selected download folder every time. I hope you get what I mean, altbinz doesn't remember the folder I selected as download folder when setting a different unrar folder manually, it always start on the lowest explorer level.

I use Win7 x64 Pro SP1.

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Re: Change download/unrar folder
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 01:28:21 pm »
I need more info.
What are your default download & unrar folders? Do they exist?

Once you try to change download folder, first it checks if current download folder for that collection exists. If not it check for default download folder and finally if that doesn't exist it will start with empty folder which translates to Desktop folder.
Same logic applies to unrar folder.

Also note that there is a bug in Windows 7 which Microsoft is aware since 2009(and still doesn't do anything about it) that due to some wierd timing problem selected folder is indeed selected and focused on but is not visible (for some reason Desktop folder is still visible, but you can see computer is expanded). In that case you have to scroll down to selected folder.

Offline d4f0rc3

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Re: Change download/unrar folder
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 03:13:45 pm »
The downloader folder itself exists, the folder for the collection is created by altbinz and the unrar folder is the download folder that already exists. Here an example:

download folder:   C:\Shows\Simpsons
collection name:    Simpsons.S01E01
downloaded to      C:\Shows\Simpsons\Simpsons.S01E01
unrar to:              C:\Shows\Simpsons

Until altbinz 0.36.2 I could select the folder "C:\Shows\Simpsons" via the "select download folder" button and afterwards I could click the "select unrar folder" button and the focus was right on that folder "C:\Shows\Simpsons"

Since 0.37.2 (I skipped 0.37.0 and 0.37.1) I can still select the download folder but upon clicking the "select unrar folder" button, the focus is not anymore on the previously chosen download folder but instead it focuses on empty folder/Desktop folder.

It has nothing to do with win7, it worked until 0.36.2 the way I describe it above with my current system and upon upgrading to 0.37.2 it loses the focus when selecting the unrar folder.

Offline Rdl

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Re: Change download/unrar folder
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2011, 03:31:31 pm »
I'm still not sure what is happening.
Once again, what are your global setings for default download folder and default unrar folder and do those folder exist?
Forget previous behaviour. Things have changed and the only thing I could and will change, if necessary, are fallback dirs

Offline d4f0rc3

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Re: Change download/unrar folder
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 08:22:44 am »
My default download folder is "E:\Downloads" and it always exists. I haven't set a default unrar folder, there is only the option to set a different unrar folder which I haven't enabled.

Offline Rdl

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Re: Change download/unrar folder
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 11:34:57 am »
Few more fallback dirs introduced. I think it will be ok now.