Author Topic: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears  (Read 15360 times)

Offline pffffff

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Re: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2019, 03:54:21 pm »
Hi, I got the same prob for some days

And i knew more people withe the same strange prob :/

Offline Rdl

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Re: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2019, 05:13:28 pm »
If anyone wants help with that I can do it via teamviewer.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 08:29:11 am by Rdl »

Offline A320

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Re: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2019, 06:51:01 am »
If anyone wants help with that I can do it via teamviewer.

Just curious why the need for teamviewer?  Any chance of just instructions on how to fix this?

Offline Rdl

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Re: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2019, 08:28:41 am »
If I knew what's the problem, I would give instructions...

Offline A320

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Re: Files downloading normally, but status bar remains 0%, no file appears
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2019, 06:02:19 pm »
If I knew what's the problem, I would give instructions...

Fair enough, I'm out of country until mid next week, I'll hit you up then for a fix when I get back to my desktop.

Offline Venerot

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It just appears that it's stuck on the "decoding" process if you examine the following 2 screenshots.  They were taken once the downloading was complete and the status bar disappears.  When I expand the NZB subject, you can see it says decoding but nothing is happening.  When I restart the application, it all of a sudden starts decoding:

I have exactly the same problem. Tried different versions. There is no encoding until a restart of Alt.Binz. Very weird. Never had any problems ...

Offline A320

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If anyone wants help with that I can do it via teamviewer.

I'm back home now but I guess that offer is off the table??  Sounds like several are experiencing this problem.  Any further updates?

Offline aT0min0

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I've have the same problem for a few weeks now. Hopefully there will be an update soon. That's annoying when you always have to quit alt.binz and restart it.

Offline A320

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It's been quiet on this issue for awhile now.  Any updates 'admin', anyone?

Offline Venerot

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I have tried different versions but decoding just doesn't work anymore. The program is unusable for me at the moment. The strange thing is that it has always worked great! The different versions of the program have not changed. Could it be a Windows update that is causing the malfunction? Just my 2 cents...

Offline Pressies

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The same by me....DL is starting...the files are decoding...inside the TEMP-Folder there are a lot of subfolders....after finishing the DL and decoding.....alt.binz stops .. nothing happens...not repairing or unpacking. After closing alt.binz and restarting alt.binz the last final process is starting (reparing & unpacking).

I have used alt.binz release 0.44.01 and 0.46.05 (which i normally use) to solve the problem. nothing helped. very strangely :/
« Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 11:12:54 am by Pressies »

Offline Rdl

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I have tried different versions but decoding just doesn't work anymore. The program is unusable for me at the moment. The strange thing is that it has always worked great! The different versions of the program have not changed. Could it be a Windows update that is causing the malfunction? Just my 2 cents...
The problem is that I cannot reproduce decoding problem myself. My main download machine is on win7 that hasn't been updated for at least 6-7 months. Development machine is on win10 that gets updated regularly. Both do not have problem with decoding.
Most of you are on win10 I pressume, but I've seen the problem on win8(.1?) machine.

Offline Pressies

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I have tried; and ... the same results: to complete the final process (repair and unpack), alt.binz must be closed and restarted.

My System: WIN10 x64 / actual updated until today.

I dont know what I can do...the DL is starting....decoding is working from file to file ... the "status" has 0 percent - although 30% of all files are already downloaded.

A little bit confusing.

Offline Rdl

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You mean decoding is not working?

Offline Pressies

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I think, decoding is working!