Author Topic: NZB-Import Failure (access violation)  (Read 13475 times)

Offline Inky

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« on: October 01, 2007, 02:46:05 am »
Hi !

Found a Bug in AltBinz while importing NZB's.
It only happened when importing NZB's from, NZB's from other Sources doesn't cause this Problem.

AltBinz0.25.2-Log shows me:
 [NZB] Exception Access violation at address 00401CD1 in module 'altbinz.exe'. Write of address 00000000
and   *.nzb import failed

Well, the Parts etc. from that NZB's show up as normal in Queue most of the Time, but sometimes there are also some values missing in the main Queu view (only shows Size, no other Values like Parts,Age,Group), but when expanded all the Values are shown as normal.
Also when trying to delete or export this NZB's from Queue, I get another access violation and AltBinz crashes and I had to kill it using Task-Manager (sometimes it totally freezes, sometimes I can access all other Tabs just Queue got a feilure, eg no entries).

I've done some tests with all older builds back to 0.24.2 and found out that this error happened with every version from 0.24.3 and up (inc. newest builds).
Version 0.24.2 and 0.24.2-050907 don't have this problem, and can import and export these NZB's without problems.

Well, as I've mentioned above, this only happens when using NZB's from
As they got slightly other Structure than other NZB's, this maybe could be the reason for these problems.
(eg in newzbin-nzb's there are Tabs and not just spaces, also  the Entries are SUBJECT-DATE-POSTER and in other nzb's it's POSTER-DATE-SUBJECT as far as I know.)

Just forgot someting.
While testing older versions, i found out that 0.24.2 can't handle my Queue (no entries displayed) and after exiting it, the whole Queue was gone (empty queue.abz!).
I don't know why tis happened, maybe my Queue was too big (queue.abz was over 150MB) or theres a kind of uncompatibility.
Was not really a problem for me, as i've made a backup of all files before testing, but could maybe be a big problem for other people when going back to older versions.
This only happened with 0.24.2, all other newer builds could handle my Queue without problems.

PS:I hope this is understandable, as englisch is not my mother-language.
 (and I'm also tired right now, but want to report this as soon as possible.)



Offline Rdl

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 09:07:08 am »
Please, zip one of those nzb files and upload it somewhere and PM me the link. Going back to older versions is never a good idea without backup.

Offline Inky

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 10:57:52 am »
Ok, will PM the Link soon, just need some mins. to do that.

Offline Inky

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2007, 11:48:21 am »
Sorry, but I've just found out that the problem is NOT caused by the NZBs !

I've tested a "clean install" of AltBinz0.25.2 and the Problem was gone.

After some testing, I found out that the problem was caused by my "config.abz" File.
When deleting this file and doing a new config of my preferred settings, the problem isn't there anymore.
When copying back my old config.abz the problem is there again.

So i just can say this...
  Sorry for reporting a really non-existant Problem here.
(Next time when I got problems, I will do a clean-install first before testing !)

PS:  I think you don't need the nzb's now, so i haven't send you a PM.



(Sorry, sorry, sorry...)

Offline Rdl

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2007, 11:52:54 am »
Can I get problematic config file then? I would really like to eliminate any existing problem.

Offline Inky

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 12:34:25 pm »
Sure, will PM a Link to you within the next hour.

Edit:  PM with link has been sent to you.



Offline Rdl

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NZB-Import Failure (access violation)
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 04:19:21 pm »
Fixed. Nothing to do with config file. This specific nzb + option to move nfo to top = error.