I have the same issue. I found alot of 0kb file sin the nzb directory. When I click on the RSS feed and say download it doesn't add it to the queue nor place a file in the nzb directory.
I am also using nzbmatrix. I aksed them for help and they said I must paste the RSS link into explorer and if it shows it is an alt.binz issue. When I "validate" the feed on their site I get errors though.
The error on nzbmatrix is :
This feed does not validate.
line 17, column 3: Undefined item element: cattext (50 occurrences) [help]
line 18, column 3: Undefined item element: categoryid (50 occurrences) [help]
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation.
line 511, column 1: Missing atom:link with rel="self" [help]
I guess it looks like malformed xml?