Alt.Binz forum

New Alt.Binz versions => Bugs => Fixed bugs => Topic started by: fiddy on September 24, 2010, 08:18:07 am

Title: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: fiddy on September 24, 2010, 08:18:07 am
I hate posting threads like this but its just weird - for ages now i've had the auto-downloading working no problems until recently i just noticed i wasnt getting any downloads automatically anymore .. Havent touched the settings in the software for ages so not sure whats going on ?

I did just noticed one of my filters is highlighted in green in the RSS window but hasnt added it to download ?

Any pointers much appreciated.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: davidq666 on September 24, 2010, 08:32:25 am
my guess would be somthing changed at the rss source. by the way which source are u useing?
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: fiddy on September 24, 2010, 09:10:51 am
actually i didnt think to go through the whole rss settings fresh .. will give it a try

I use NZBsRus
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 24, 2010, 10:29:05 am
Your Log should show some information, too.  If stuff is highlghted in green and a .nzb file has been downloaded to your folder by Alt.Binz, but hasn't been imported to the queue, then open that .nzb in Notepad and check it for errors.  It most likely contains a server message in html which should point you to the problem.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: fiddy on September 24, 2010, 02:41:50 pm
Thx Hecks - excuse me but which nzb will give information (pls point me if its explained elsewhere) ?

The other weird thing is that when i manually try add to a queue from the RSS window, nothing happens - so i just tried that and checked the log - all it showed was this;

[24/09/2010 10:39:37 PM] [NZB] C:\AltBinz\nzb\\Sausages.S01E10.HDTV.XviD-FLATLiNE.nzb imported - 0 files
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 24, 2010, 04:50:54 pm
So now use Notepad or any other text reader to open the file listed in your log file:


And report back what it contains.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: xalaros on September 24, 2010, 06:35:34 pm
i have the same problem in the last couple of days with nzbmatrix, it seems that the downloaded nzb files ar 0Kb. If i download the nzbs directly from the site everything seems fine.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 24, 2010, 06:39:56 pm
To repeat: can you open one of these files in Notepad. Are they blank, or is there some html? Note that the nzbmatrix API (if that's what Alt.Binz uses) has changed recently.

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: boren on September 25, 2010, 08:44:34 am
Same problem with nzbmatrix. Happened ~2 days ago or so, working fine, then nothing.

Contents of the nzb file, nothing: 0 bytes

Dir listing:

09/25/2010  03:26 PM                 0 <file>.nzb

Log (same as others):
[9/25/2010 3:26:50 PM] [NZB] <file>.nzb imported - 0 files

Using firefox to view the rss shows the enclosures.  Firefox shows:


Clicking download.php downloads an nzb file which altbinz opens just fine.  The link for download.php is:<username>&apikey=<my api key>

This help?
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: xalaros on September 25, 2010, 09:15:08 am
To repeat: can you open one of these files in Notepad. Are they blank, or is there some html? Note that the nzbmatrix API (if that's what Alt.Binz uses) has changed recently.

Files are empty no text or html and filesize 0kb
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 25, 2010, 09:29:03 am
I have the same issue. I found alot of 0kb file sin the nzb directory. When I click on the RSS feed and say download it doesn't add it to the queue nor place a file in the nzb directory.

I am also using nzbmatrix. I aksed them for help and they said I must paste the RSS link into explorer and if it shows it is an alt.binz issue.  When I "validate" the feed on their site I get errors though.
The error on nzbmatrix is :
This feed does not validate.
      line 17, column 3: Undefined item element: cattext (50 occurrences) [help]
      line 18, column 3: Undefined item element: categoryid (50 occurrences) [help]
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation.
      line 511, column 1: Missing atom:link with rel="self" [help]

I guess it looks like malformed xml?

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: boren on September 25, 2010, 01:07:22 pm

Asking on the nzbmatrix forum if anything changed, the answer came back:

we changed the RSS to use the correct API url rather than the redirect.

In essence nothing has changed.

I dont know how altbinz is coded to read the feed, maybe they dont like the URL.  Either way its a Altbinz issue.

So basically they changed things.  Sure shouldn't have broken anything, but it did.  ;D
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 25, 2010, 01:16:41 pm
When I "validate" the feed on their site I get errors though.
I guess it looks like malformed xml?


No, it doesn't really need to validate, all those messages mean is that nzbmatrix is using elements that aren't in the RSS spec (they should do this using their own namespace, really), but that actually doesn't matter in this case.

The issue as pointed out by others is the new API dl link (which also broke SABnzbd). You'll need to wait for a fix in the next version for this. Hopefully since they're now versioning the API this won't break again (but I wouldn't hold your breath).

Or you could use the far better instead. I really don't understand the appeal of NZBMatrix myself.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 25, 2010, 01:21:22 pm
Thanks to all for reporting this issue with NZBMatrix & RSS, I've moved it to Bugs now.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: fiddy on September 25, 2010, 03:10:54 pm
So now use Notepad or any other text reader to open the file listed in your log file:


And report back what it contains.

OK finally got around to it - first one i tried to add to queue from rss window gave me this in the nzb:

"Invalid link: #3"
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: fiddy on September 25, 2010, 03:27:50 pm
Just started from scratch - got the cookies and added the feed in , tried to add to the queue but this time i got a heap of html in the nzb file - what am i looking for in particular to diagnose ? Or can i just post one here safely - ie will it contain sensitive data.

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 25, 2010, 07:59:15 pm
fiddy, you just need to give us the gist of what the error message is, or what site page it's redirecting to.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 26, 2010, 06:52:17 am

Or you could use the far better instead. I really don't understand the appeal of NZBMatrix myself.

I do use for manual downloads.  My buddy advised me to use the RSS feed from NZBMatrix. Will be switching to's now.

Thanks for the help.


Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Ripleyonline on September 26, 2010, 02:07:38 pm
If you have problems with nzbmatrix rss feed they changed the feed a cuple of days ago. They changed i back last night thou because of all the problems so if you generate a new rss feed today it should solve your problem. It sure solved mine....
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 26, 2010, 02:35:07 pm
lol @ NZBMatrix

Thanks for reporting. :)
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 27, 2010, 06:13:46 am

I changed to and had the same issue. The feed comes in but  nothing gets downloaded.  If I click on a line and say add to queue nothing still happens.

Now I am puzzled.

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 27, 2010, 06:17:20 am

Just changed back to NZBMatrix and all works again...even right click add to queue.

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 27, 2010, 08:47:09 am
Alt.Binz works perfectly with  You need to add &dl=1 to the url as well as your i and h values, as the site specifies here:

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 28, 2010, 04:36:05 pm
Hi Guys,

All is not well in the land of auto downloads. I thought it was and by golly NZBMatrix did it again.  So I moved all back to and added all the stuff as per the post above.  I can see matches happen (pink goes green) but it still doesn't download the file.

I am confused. Where can I look?

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Hecks on September 28, 2010, 10:32:59 pm
@ wvnispen

I'm not sure what you're doing, but I've just tested again and feeds work no problem with Alt.Binz.  Your url should look something like this:<your_id>&h=<your_hash>&dl=1

Note the &dl=1 at the end.

• To change the default link to download (with above): &dl=1

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: wvnispen on September 30, 2010, 05:39:53 am

Thanks for the reply. I had the link correct. I uninstalled and re-installed alt.binz and redo all the setings and all with is working 100%.  Guess NZBMatrix was a waste.

Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: gix on October 31, 2010, 02:25:30 pm
I have a problem with the RSS and Alt.Binz. until the other day everything was going well with the automatic download, but then the download stopt working. It will not even ADD TO QUEUE option.
Can anyone help me with settings for the RSS feed from nzbmatrix site for Alt.Binz ver:0.31.8.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Rdl on October 31, 2010, 02:49:56 pm
Don't bother. The problem is nzb that is served by nzbmatrix. It's obviously out of specification.

Normal NZB:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE nzb PUBLIC "-//newzBin//DTD NZB 0.9//EN" "">
<nzb xmlns="">

<file subject="something" date="sometime" poster="someone">

NZB served by nzbmatrix rss:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?><file subject="something" date="sometime" poster="someone">

I'll release today a version that handles those types of nzbs also.
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Snorbitz on November 04, 2010, 08:14:17 am
Still getting the blank NZB's from NZBMatrix....... Any ideas?
Title: Re: RSS downloader stopped working
Post by: Rdl on November 04, 2010, 10:51:43 am
Still getting the blank NZB's from NZBMatrix....... Any ideas?
I've just checked. It works. Post your url with masked username and apikey