Author Topic: Save incomplete parts to one file and let par files repair and complete download  (Read 7903 times)

Offline zoned

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When having all files downloaded and have for example two rar parts that have errors (red). Is it possible, moreover how is it possible for me to get altbiz 312 to save them. Even though i know they will be incomplete, and let the par files fix them. I have a file that needs 16 blocks, because its trying to make up for two missing rar parts. If those rar parts were available to the par repair files i would now hae a complete download.

So how to make altbinz join the temp dir parts into a file, even it will not be complete ?

Offline davidq666

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When having all files downloaded and have for example two rar parts that have errors (red). Is it possible, moreover how is it possible for me to get altbiz 312 to save them. Even though i know they will be incomplete, and let the par files fix them. I have a file that needs 16 blocks, because its trying to make up for two missing rar parts. If those rar parts were available to the par repair files i would now hae a complete download.

So how to make altbinz join the temp dir parts into a file, even it will not be complete ?

all files are being save wether they are complete or not... in settings->download options u can set the incoplete files to be marked by being written in uppercase letters... if u can see still the par-set in the par tab all u need is enough par2-repair-files in the same folder and the par-set will be repaired.

Offline zoned

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And when they cannot be repaired ?

Have one at 87% 2 parts bad, have all good par files - don't repair even if manually try to do so on par2 tab.

Put another way two incomplete parts at 97% and 91% overall 87% of the download complete. Incomplete part files are abouts 14mb each. Quickpar shows only these two files are bad all other files from the rar set complete.

Altbinz has access to all files where as quick par or auto unpack doesn't have. The latter two are missing the tempoary folder parts (part incomplete) files for the two rar parts.

An option for altbinz under circumstances where it has forgotten how to repair. I have tried manually via par2 tab and tried with check par2 on start. For user to get the temp/temparary files reconstructed to part rar files incomplete. So let other tools QuickPar or autounpack do the repair instead, without those files a catch22 situation.

Or is there some other tool that can take the temp/temporary files that altbiz downloads, and reconstruct them even if incomplete ?

Unsure if this post is a bug or a request ?  ;)

« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 01:22:14 am by zoned »

Offline Hecks

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Obviously, Alt.Binz needs the incomplete file, not the temporary file parts, in order to repair.  The % completion is a non-starter - it must have finished yEnc decoding before par check.  The number of blocks listed on the PAR2 tab is the key figure.  So set your retry count to lower or zero (Setup -> Connection) then as davidq666 said when all retries are finished it will save the incomplete file to the dl directory, and repair process will start.

Answers to all these questions and more are in your (detailed) Log.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 01:45:23 am by Hecks »

Offline zoned

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So set your retry count to lower or zero (Setup -> Connection) then as davidq666 said when all retries are finished it will save the incomplete file to the dl directory, and repair process will start.

Answers to all these questions and more are in your (detailed) Log.

Thanks for the vital tip Hecks, one to remember. Now reset retry count from 999 to 0. Have just downloaded the two incomplete rar parts and QuickPar has repaired the file in seconds all rar parts green (ok). The connection retries has been reset to 999 - LOL just kidding, has been left at a low retry number.

This tip is really a good one. A good addition for a tips page, at alt wiki altbinz

Offline Hecks

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OK, glad this is resolved, and as it isn't a bug:
