Author Topic: Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist  (Read 8475 times)


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« on: November 15, 2006, 03:23:48 am »
Hello lovly Alt.binz team :D,

I love your program very much, but sometimes, if I download many files from usenet, alt.binz 0.22.2 download them (hopply correctly), but don't put them in the correct folder (if he put it somewhere else, I don't know).

If I re-add these files once again in the queue, alt.binz will download them again and put them correctly in the right folder.

I don't know why this happen, but I hope, you can fix this issue.

Have a nice evening :).
- linkin

PS: Sorry for my bad english :(


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 08:30:25 am »
Yes, same thing happens here. Its not about news provider (checked with Newshosting and Astraweb) or about  system bug (other programs as Newsbin Pro and Newsleecher work fine). Simply some files aren't downloaded into a specified directory, as if they don't get assembled. Its not about alt.binz version either, tried many, all with their own settings, same thing happens occasionaly. But that thing started happening about 20 days ago, several months before everything worked just fine.

Had another bug I'd like to report, and since I am here no need to opet new topic. Alt.Binz won't import NZBs from some sites. When I use Newzbin or some usenet web searcher (Yabse, Binsearch etc.) all is fine, but for example I can't import NZBs from NZBMatrix site ( They won't import with autoimport function and I can't add them manually. Those same NZBs work excelent when using other programs (tried with Newsbin Pro and Newsleecher).

BTW there might be a (p)review in top serbian computer magazine soon, there are big chances but can't promise it 100%...

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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 05:31:55 pm »
Quote from: "Filipenko"
Had another bug I'd like to report, and since I am here no need to opet new topic. Alt.Binz won't import NZBs from some sites. When I use Newzbin or some usenet web searcher (Yabse, Binsearch etc.) all is fine, but for example I can't import NZBs from NZBMatrix site ( They won't import with autoimport function and I can't add them manually. Those same NZBs work excelent when using other programs (tried with Newsbin Pro and Newsleecher).
Very simply - ABZ ROX!

Offline Rdl

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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 07:54:12 pm »
First about NZB not importing. Bug is detected and already fixed (in new version >0.22.2) It was a bug in Delphi's Fileexists function. As a workaround until new version, you can simply change time/date stamp of the file to something normal (either via some filemanager or simply by importing nzb to some texteditor and simply saving it).

About files not appearing in download dir. It has never happen to me before. I also expirienced some problems starting 20 days ago but new version will fix that (also introducing much lower cpu usage) It would help me to be able to reproduce the problem. What can be reproduced can be easily fixed. If files were not in their download dir, they should be in their temp dir (altbinz_root_dir\temp\unique_hash) The only reason for that to happen is if destination dir didn't exist or complete path (complete_download_dir_path\nzb_name\filename) was larger then 255 chars


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2006, 09:46:15 pm »
Quote from: "Rdl"
First about NZB not importing. Bug is detected and already fixed (in new version >0.22.2) It was a bug in Delphi's Fileexists function. As a workaround until new version, you can simply change time/date stamp of the file to something normal (either via some filemanager or simply by importing nzb to some texteditor and simply saving it).

Ok, thanks for the info.

Quote from: "Rdl"

About files not appearing in download dir. It has never happen to me before. I also expirienced some problems starting 20 days ago but new version will fix that (also introducing much lower cpu usage) It would help me to be able to reproduce the problem. What can be reproduced can be easily fixed. If files were not in their download dir, they should be in their temp dir (altbinz_root_dir\temp\unique_hash) The only reason for that to happen is if destination dir didn't exist or complete path (complete_download_dir_path\nzb_name\filename) was larger then 255 chars

Yes, their parts are in temp but they are not assembled. Destination exists and complete path isn't longer than 255 chars. Besides when that  happens its like it downloads rar 1-23, 25-37 and 39-50, but doesn't download rars 24 and 38 (example). If it was about char length none of others would download.

I noticed another thing - it happens much more frequently when doing something CPU heavy. For example, when I play game out of 20 rars there can be up to 5 incompleted, but when I am in Windows doing some normal stuff there are 0-2 incempleted. Strange...

Offline Rdl

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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 09:54:47 pm »
Hm, similar thing about skiping few rars is what started happening to me. Fortunatly new version will solve all that. About incompletes during hich cpu usage it shouldn't matter. Next time you suspect that something like that has happend, could you please try to download that file again. Also check what kind of incomplete it is. Is whole part missing or just one line of one part (you can find out that when you see final rar size you got)


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 01:24:00 am »
Quote from: "Rdl"
Next time you suspect that something like that has happend, could you please try to download that file again. Also check what kind of incomplete it is. Is whole part missing or just one line of one part (you can find out that when you see final rar size you got)

Of course I do that, I import same NZB at once and download skipped files again. They always download with the second try without any problem. Nothing is missing, those parts are not incomplete, as I said it's like they don't get assembled, and when I download them again they are complete and OK.


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2006, 03:50:08 am »
Quote from: "Filipenko"
Of course I do that, I import same NZB at once and download skipped files again. They always download with the second try without any problem. Nothing is missing, those parts are not incomplete, as I said it's like they don't get assembled, and when I download them again they are complete and OK.

Exactly the same here ;). Hoply it will be fixed soon, because alt.binz download ~150mb for nothing, it's not funny if you havn't a flat-usenet account, you know ;)?

Have a nice day ^^

- linkin

Offline Rdl

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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2006, 02:11:44 am »
I think all those problems will be history when new version comes out ( few days) If any of you wants test version(working version with all changes till now) come to #alt.binz @EFnet and I'll upload it somewhere for you to test.

Offline Rdl

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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2006, 06:02:46 am »
The problem is antivirus program you're using (probably Kaspersky) Files are locked by AVP when alt.binz tries to access them. Proof: check log file for something like [Dec] Exception. Cannot open file .... File is locked by another process. Solution: Add alt.binz & alt.binz dir to trusted zone


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2006, 09:07:29 pm »
Nicly done Rdl ;).

That`s the right way, thanks ^^.

- linkin


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Sometimes Downloaded files wouldn't excist
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2006, 10:08:28 pm »
Lol, great job!
Now another question (not for Rdl, but for others, he has done more than enough :D) - how to add alt.binz to trusted zone if using Active Virus Shield antivirus software? Can't figure it out. Anyone?
edit:  if that can be done in some "exception" option. I know I can relocate Alt.Binz directory and add all other directories manually.

Ignore this. I simply removed program to another location which allowed me to easily add other directories inside protection zone, leaving Alt.binz's directory out of it. Another superb example of autonomy - no install, great possibility of moving etc.