Recently nzbs from the NZBGeek indexer are using a new / different obfuscation technique that Alt.Binz is not handling well.
As part of the obfuscation, even the segment count on the subject line is fake / randomized. This is causing Alt.Binz to not parse all segments of a file when the "fake" segment count is less than the actual segment count. I spoke with NZBGeek staff in their Discord channel and was shown a snippet of the release notes of a usenet uploading software, but they were not comfortable with naming the software. Here is the snippet I was shown:
# Use a random usenet message subject instead of the filename
# this extra obfuscation method makes it harder to reconstruct a message from usenet posts
# but might introduce issues with less advanced downloaders that check the message headers instead of the yenc headers.
The default value of this setting is no so the new method will only be used when you enable this setting.
Right now I have only seen this on NZBGeek, but since this is a feature of the posting software it could be adopted by other uploaders associated with other index sites in the future.
Any chance this is an easy fix?