Author Topic: when you select something you loose the progress bar - 0.32.0  (Read 2512 times)

Offline MrbLOB9000

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when you select something you loose the progress bar - 0.32.0
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:11:25 pm »
When something is downloading and you select it, the progress bar is no longer visible, it just shows the percent done number and that's it.  It does it for main nzb items and for individual files being downloaded.  I use the Windows 7 theme, but I checked and it does it for all the themes.

I noticed it once I upgraded to 0.32.0, pretty sure it wasn't in previous version but might have been.

Offline Rdl

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Re: when you select something you loose the progress bar - 0.32.0
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 09:27:19 pm »