Author Topic: Alt. Binz Downloads at full-speeds, then suddenly connection drops...???Help!!  (Read 5412 times)


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Hello, first off I've been using AltBinz for the duration of time I've had usenet provider (A premium one).  Tested NewsBin Pro, didnt like it, then used AltBinz as my sole usenet downloader.

All my comps have it installed, and I've had asolutely no issues with downloading with any of them (except for the occasional ISP or Router drop issue which we all experience at one point or another lol)

I just put together my own rig for the first time, from scratch.  Have had some kinks here and there but now it's running smooth, no problems to speak of, EXCEPT this AltBinz issue.  I installed AltBinz on my new comp (Using D-Link PCIe DWA-552 I believe), and fired it up.  It downloads fine, just like the other comps I have, for the first 5-10 mis I get a steady 2-3MBytes/sec... The, suddenly, the connection drops, and the status at the panel bar at lower part of screen reads "Could not connect".  When I try to open up a browser, it says connection is down.  I right click on the Signal toolbar icon and hit Troubleshoot PRoblems, and after Windows 7x64 resets adapter, it's back up working again.. Obviously, I Dont want to keep doing this thru the duration of the download, so I need some sort of resolution.

It is important to note, however, that during online web-browsing or online gameplay the connection absolutely never drops. This leads me to believe that it may have something to do with the amount of data flow/bandwidth being received by either a) my wireless adapter or b) the motherboard, on some level.  All my drivers are up-to-date, and I even tried installing D-Links bloat-ware they use to somewhat control the adapter themseleves.  (I think windows does just a fine job by itself) But that didn't work. 

Anyone experiencing the same issues, and, if so, what can be done to remedy these issues?  Before you make suggestion, I urge you to read in detail what I've wrote, (dont mean to sound demanding or anything) just because often times when I seek help on forums some kind soul will attempt to come up with a solution and ask me a question that I've already addressed in my post... So thank you.. Looking forward to replies.. :)

Offline Hecks

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I'm guessing it's not a software prob, so I'd start by looking in your router's logs for the reason for the loss of connection.  Using wireless?  Try connecting directly via ethernet to isolate the problem.  Crappy routers can overheat and go kaplooey with intensive downloading, so make sure it's well-ventilated. Otherwise do make sure that you check your network card & router supplier's support forums for any similar reported issues. That should narrow things down a bit, at least.


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I'm guessing it's not a software prob, so I'd start by looking in your router's logs for the reason for the loss of connection.  Using wireless?  Try connecting directly via ethernet to isolate the problem.  Crappy routers can overheat and go kaplooey with intensive downloading, so make sure it's well-ventilated. Otherwise do make sure that you check your network card & router supplier's support forums for any similar reported issues. That should narrow things down a bit, at least.

Thanks for the reply, Hecks.  I agree with the troubleshooting method of connecting the Ethernet port direct and see if I have the same result.. However, as i said in my OP, I have several other computers (netbook, another desktop, and a HP HDX laptop) all with Altbinz installed, all with wireless a/g/b/n capabilities.  Each and every download gets completed, in full, on each.  The only problem I'm having is my new freshly-built computer. 

I've tried installing the latest drivers to no avail. I just dont understand why a "conventional" download (directly thru internet browser, AND also Games for Windows Live, and Steam as well) methods work, in full.  The full file gets downloaded, with no interruptions. 

That's why Im wondering why it seems to be a NZB/AltBinz based issue.. I have all the settings and configs precisely the same as the other computers for AltBinz (Ive installed it many times so I can configure it by memory completely)

Also, during online gaming the connection seems to be un-interrupted as well.. That's why its somewhat isolated to NZB downloads.. I just dont know what to do at this point, other than uninstall, then re-install the D-Link DWA-552 wireless PCI card driver...??

Offline Hecks

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Oh, I see, they're all connected to the same router, then? Still check you router & network card logs to see if anything pops up.

The key thing is to isolate the problem, starting with ethernet vs wireless checks.  I can't see where Alt.Binz might be causing issues, unless you have a firewall on your network card checking NNTP traffic that may be over-taxing it.  Are you using SSL with Alt.Binz? Try with/without.  Try also limiting download speed in Alt.Binz to see if the problem disappears at a certain speed - again, just to isolate the source of the problem.

Good luck!


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Hey hecks,

Yeah it's none of that u mentioned, but good stuff thou.. yeah I run SSL..I did a google search for the DWA-552 (my wireless PCI adapter). It's called the Xtreme N Wireless, the only thing Xtreme about it is that it Xtremely sucks.  This "disconnecting" or "drop signal" problem it quite prevalent.. even with the latest of drivers installed, people still have quarrels with this darn thing.  I have d-link in my other comps AND my router and so far they've worked OK... few dropped signals here and there but nothing like Im experiencing now.

It's weird, kuz like right now, it wont drop, and It WONT ever drop if I just keep on doing "normal" internet usage... browsing, Bull******* around on the internet... but the minute I Start a heavy download or rip up a game that requires high bandwidth (for nstance last night it dropped my connection after 30-40 mins of playing DiRT 2 online) it drops instantly, I gotta go to Device Manager, Disable it, the Re-enable it and then shes up and running again lol.. what a POS.. time to return it. good thing u can pretty much exchange ANYTHING to compusa and theyll take it back lol